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Vex King (b. 1987) is a contemporary British author, mind coach, motivational speaker, and social media content writer. He is the #1 Sunday Times Bestselling author of Good Vibes, Good Life, and Healing is the New High with over 1.6M followers on Instagram.
Vex King’s writings focus on themes such as positive thinking, self-love, the law of attraction, and the importance of internal transformation for achieving external success.
What makes Vex King different is how he mixes old spiritual ideas with today’s problems. He shares deep spiritual knowledge in a way that’s easy to understand in the form of inspirational quotes and practical solutions that are easy to implement.
In this blog post, I’ve shared 26 Vex King quotes about love and life along with explanations of some of them. So let’s go through these inspiring sayings by Vex King.
13 Motivational Vex King Quotes About Life

However, I’ve also learned not to waste time on people who have no interest in what I have to say, or why I say it.
Vex King

Lack of time isn’t an excuse. If you can’t make the time for something, it’s not a high enough priority for you. If something is important to you, you’ll make the time for it.
Vex King

Remember, if you show your excitement to the Universe, it’ll give you more things to feel excited about.
Vex King

If you always play the victim when something goes wrong, life will always treat you like one. Don’t let your circumstances define your future.
Vex King
Brief Analysis
Life is a journey of challenges, surprises, and adventures. If we keep blaming everything around us whenever something goes wrong, it’s like we consider ourselves the victims.
But we should see beyond our circumstances. Instead of letting tough moments define us, we can choose to learn from them and grow stronger.
This short quote by Vex King tells us that we have the power to change our story. Instead of letting life’s ups and downs define us, we can choose to rise above them.
In essence, we should accept challenges as opportunities for growth and refuse to let setbacks hold us back. By doing so, we become the masters of our own destiny.
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It’s important to recognize that it’s not unjust to let go of those who show no concern for you.
Vex King

Change the way you think, feel, speak and act, and you begin to change your world.
Vex King

The Universe is abundant in all areas; the illusion of fear is the only limitation we have.
Vex King

Abuse and criticism disguised as ‘feedback’ doesn’t deserve your attention.
Vex King
Brief Analysis
We all face criticism and negativity sometimes. But, we should choose not to let it define us.
We shouldn’t waste our time listening to mean comments pretending to be helpful suggestions. It’s like when their words hurt more than they help.
Instead, we should focus on the kind of feedback that actually helps us grow. We should surround ourselves with people who want to see us succeed and who give us constructive advice, not tear us down.
In conclusion, this Vex King quote about life reminds us not to give attention to hurtful criticism disguised as feedback. By focusing on constructive input that genuinely helps us grow, we can rise above negativity and strive for our best selves.

Life is greater if you live with purpose.
Vex King

When you find a meaningful reason for doing what you do, you’ll feel complete.
Vex King

If someone says they’re hurt by your actions, you must believe they’re hurt; you can’t decide for them whether or not they felt hurt in the first place.
Vex King

Life is greater if you live with purpose. When you find a meaningful reason for doing what you do, you’ll feel complete.
Vex King
Brief Analysis
Having a sense of purpose makes life richer, more fulfilling, and meaningful. It becomes way more exciting and satisfying when we have a clear reason for doing what we do.
And when we find that meaningful reason, suddenly, everything makes sense. We feel happier and more fulfilled.
Living with purpose is about aligning our actions with our values, passions, and beliefs. And when we do that, we experience a profound sense of completeness.
To sum it up, living with purpose adds depth, excitement, and fulfillment to our lives. When we find our purpose, we unlock a whole new level of happiness and satisfaction, making every moment truly count.
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You can’t feel joy without being thankful; being thankful is a vital component of happiness.
Vex King
13 Vex King Quotes About Love

When you start loving yourself, life starts loving you, too.
Vex King
Brief Analysis
When we start to love ourselves, giving ourselves the same compassion and acceptance that we often give to others, something magical happens. Life takes notice of it.
You see, when we genuinely love ourselves, we start to radiate positivity and confidence. We treat ourselves with kindness and respect, making choices that align with our true desires and values.
Loving ourselves also means that we’re better equipped to handle failures because we know our own worth. We’re not defined by our mistakes or shortcomings, but by our ability to rise above them.
This inspirational Vex king quote shows that when we prioritize loving ourselves, we invite fulfillment and joy into our existence. We should remember that the more we love ourselves, the more life loves us back.
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You can also live quite happily on your own, without having any particular partner or special person in your life, and still give love to others and be loved.
Vex King

The only thing that’s greater than loving yourself is seeing someone you love finally love themselves, too.
Vex King

When you make an effort to raise your vibration, you show yourself the love and care you deserve.
Vex King

You can’t feel joy without being thankful; being thankful is a vital component of happiness.
Vex King
Brief Analysis
When we’re grateful for the good things in our lives, it’s like we’re nourishing our souls. We’re taking the time to appreciate what we have, instead of focusing on what we don’t.
When we make gratitude a regular habit, it actually helps us feel happier overall as this Vex king quote suggests. When we take a moment to say “thank you” for the good stuff, it’s like we’re sending out positive vibes into the universe.
By doing so, we attract even more good stuff! It’s like a never-ending cycle of happiness and gratitude feeding off each other.
So, if we want to keep feeling joyful and content, we should make gratitude a regular part of our lives. It’s a great way to spread positivity in our lives.

Self-love is the balance between accepting yourself as you are while knowing you deserve better, and then working towards it.
Vex King

Stop trying to impress people. Impress yourself. Stretch yourself. Test yourself. Be the best version of you that you can be.
Vex King

By loving yourself, you’ll live a life you love.
Vex King
Brief Analysis
This Vex king quote on love portrays that when we fill ourselves with self-love, recognizing our own worth, life starts to reflect back that love. Challenges don’t disappear, but our ability to deal with them improves.
This journey of self-love also teaches us about boundaries. By recognizing our own value, we understand what we are and aren’t willing to accept, both from ourselves and others.
Loving ourselves is the ultimate act of liberation. It frees us from seeking happiness exclusively from external sources.
Ultimately, this love quote by Vex King suggests we remember that the journey to loving ourselves is the most worthwhile journey. It’s the key to unlocking a life filled with love, not just from the outside, but importantly, from within.
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Healing Is the New High.
Vex King

Love is not all you need to be with someone. You can love anyone, but that doesn’t mean you should be in a relationship with them. Compatibility, respect, trust, alignment, reciprocity, vulnerability, intimacy, communication, understanding, and honesty are needed.
Vex King

People are giving you the energy they are carrying. Once you understand that it’s not personal, you will not take it so personally.
Vex King

Move with a pure heart, striving always to be a better person. Let your actions and intentions be guided by love and kindness, even when challenged.
Vex King
Brief Analysis
We should approach life and interactions with others from a place of authenticity and good intentions as this inspirational quote by Vex King tells. It’s about letting go of being negative, selfish, and doubtful because of tough times.
This short Vex king quote guides us to acknowledge our flaws and mistakes, learn from them, and take deliberate steps to improve. We should try to become the best version of ourselves.
In every decision we make, in every interaction we have, we should choose empathy, compassion, and kindness. When someone hurts us, choosing kindness can feel like an uphill battle.
We should always keep our hearts full of love and kindness, and show it to everyone, even when it’s hard. Doing this makes our hearts better and might inspire others to be kind and loving too.
Get ‘Good Vibes, Good Life’ by Vex King

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