26 Lalah Delia Quotes on Self Care, Healing & Higher Consciousness


Lalah Delia is a popular American author, educator, and spiritual writer. She’s also a certified spiritual practitioner and the founder of Vibrate Higher Daily School.

Lalah’s writing revolves around helping people unlock their empowered, higher-potential, and authentic selves to live a life filled with grace and positive vibes.

Her best-selling book, “Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power,” shows how “Vibrating higher daily is about making intentional day-to-day choices that lift us out of mindsets, habits, and lifestyles that don’t serve us and into ones that do.”

In this blog post, I’ve shared 26 Lalah Delia quotes on self care, healing, and higher consciousness along with explaining the meaning behind some of them.

16 Inspirational Lalah Delia Quotes

Never perfect always genuine

Never perfect – always genuine.

Lalah Delia
She remembered who she was and the game changed

She remembered who she was and the game changed.

Lalah Delia
Just because you feel lost doesnt mean that you are. Sometimes you just have to relax breathe deep

Just because you feel lost
doesn’t mean that you are.
Sometimes you just have to relax,
breathe deep, and trust the path you’re on.

Lalah Delia
Healing—takes time and—so does—not healing. Chose—how you spend your time —wisely

Healing—takes time,
and—so does—not healing.
Chose—how you spend your time

Lalah Delia

Brief Analysis

Healing is a process that requires patience, tenderness, and a bit of self-love along the way. 

Now, when it comes to not healing, it’s almost like standing still while time marches on. It’s choosing to carry the weight of pain and uncertainty on your shoulders, letting it shape your days.

Either way, we all have a choice of being the authors of our time, as this Lalah Delia quote suggests. Do we embark on the journey of healing, allowing time to be our ally, or do we resist, clinging onto the echoes of the past?

So, let’s be architects of our time. Let’s consciously choose how we spend it. It’s about investing in ourselves, making room for healing, and understanding that it’s a process—not an overnight miracle.

Also Read: 60 Morgan Harper Nichols Quotes on Love, Life, Hope, the Highs & Lows & Kindness

May all youve been through now be reused for a new higher purpose

May all you’ve been through now
be reused for a new higher purpose.

Lalah Delia
Your brain needs plenty of rest to function at its optimal level. Go to sleep

Your brain needs plenty of rest to function at it’s optimal level. Go to sleep!

Lalah Delia
All the versions of you that you didnt love brought you to the version of you that you love now. Be grateful for every you —youve been

All the versions of you that you didn’t love, brought you to the version of you, that you love now. Be grateful for every you —you’ve been.

Lalah Delia
Sometimes you have to go be alone to come back and be better. Solitude is sacred

Sometimes, you have to go be alone to come back and be better. Solitude is sacred.

Lalah Delia

Brief Analysis

This inspirational Lalah Delia quote is a reminder that sometimes, stepping away from the buzz, the constant connections, the stimulation overload is not just a luxury, but a necessity to be brighter and stronger than before.

Solitude isn’t about isolation or loneliness. It’s a sacred space, as this quote about solitude shows. It’s a place where you can shed the layers you wear for the world, be completely yourself, and reconnect with your deepest needs and desires. It’s like taking off a mask and letting your true face breathe.

And although it is not always easy to embrace solitude, the more we practice, the easier it becomes. So, start with small moments – a walk in nature, a quiet hour with a book, a mindful meditation. Savor the silence, listen to your inner voice, and allow yourself to simply be.

Remember, coming back from solitude isn’t about retreating from the world forever. It’s about returning with renewed energy, a clearer perspective, and a deeper understanding of yourself.

I forgive you doesnt mean were friends it means you no longer drain me of emotional energy

I forgive you doesn’t mean we’re
friends, it means you no longer drain
me of emotional energy.

Lalah Delia
I am safe. I am journeying in courage. I am journeying in power. I am journeying in patience. I am journeying in wisdom. I will persevere. I will take care

I am safe.
I am journeying in courage.
I am journeying in power.
I am journeying in patience.
I am journeying in wisdom.
I will persevere.
I will take care.

Lalah Delia
Our past is a force that doesnt always like to see its end come. And our future is a force that doesnt want us to abort it

Our past is a force that doesn’t always like to see its end come. And our future is a force that doesn’t want us to abort it.

Lalah Delia
Observe without absorbing

Observe without absorbing.

Lalah Delia

Brief Analysis

In our daily lives, it’s become common to get swept away, and overwhelmed by the constant barrage of information. That’s where the simple yet powerful quote by Lalah Delia comes in…

Think of it like this: your mind is a sponge. It soaks up everything it encounters, emotions, opinions, information, the good, the bad, and the confusing. If you’re not careful, that sponge can become overloaded and leave you feeling drained and overwhelmed.

So, what do we do in this situation? See, observing without absorbing is about stepping back, and becoming a mindful observer. You pay attention to what’s happening around you, to the people, the situations, the emotions in the air.

But instead of letting it all seep in and color your own thoughts and feelings, you simply acknowledge it. It’s like watching a movie, taking in the story without becoming a character yourself. So, always remember, you have the power to choose what enters your mind and shapes your experience.

Also Read: 77 Maya Angelou Quotes on Life, Love, Education, Success, Courage, Change, Family, Women, Purpose & Diversity (Explained)

Most peoples problem with you is actually a deep rooted problem with themselves that they are unable to regulate

Most people’s problem with you is actually a deep-rooted problem with themselves that they are unable to regulate.

Lalah Delia
Dont identify as every thought or emotion you feel. Stay the observer of it and journey in grace

Don’t identify as every thought or emotion you feel. Stay the observer of it and journey in grace.

Lalah Delia
Release to receive

Release to receive.

Lalah Delia
The best way Ive found to help my life is to get out of the way and trust the process

The best way I’ve found to help my life is to get out of the way and trust the process. Trusting the process is how we no longer become the roadblock in our process, progress, and journey.

Lalah Delia

Brief Analysis

Trusting the process is not about sitting back passively and letting life happen to you. It’s about recognizing that sometimes, our own resistance, and our attempts to force things, become the biggest roadblocks in our journey.

Think about it. We all have goals, and we strive, we hustle, and we push ourselves towards what we want. But what if, in that very striving, we create unnecessary tension and pressure? What if our rigid expectations about how things “should” unfold actually hinder our progress?

But it’s not always easy. We’re wired to want control, to feel like we’re actively shaping our lives. Letting go requires faith, patience, and a willingness to accept that sometimes, the best things happen when we surrender to the flow.

So, how do we actually “get out of the way”? Here are a few tips: Be present in the moment, and observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Learn to adapt to changing circumstances and see challenges as opportunities for growth. Celebrate small wins and learn from setbacks. Remember, progress is rarely linear. Appreciate the present moment, even when things don’t feel ideal.

Your healing is your priority. Dont apologize for the time it takes. Just let yourself be

Your healing is your priority. Don’t apologize for the time it takes. Just let yourself be.

Lalah Delia
This is all temporary. Love yourself through it

This is all temporary. Love yourself through it.

Lalah Delia

8 Lalah Delia Self Care Quotes

Setting boundaries is a part of your healing process 1

Setting boundaries is a part of your healing process.

Lalah Delia

Brief Analysis

Setting boundaries is not about pushing people away; it’s about creating a safe, supportive environment where your healing can truly flourish, as this Lalah Delia self care quote suggests. Here’s why boundaries are so important on your healing path:

1. They Protect Your Emotional Space: Setting boundaries protects you from emotional overload, ensuring you have the space to process things healthily.

2. They Help You Prioritize Your Needs: Healing takes time and energy. Boundaries help you say “no” to things that drain you, allowing you to focus on what truly nourishes your well-being.

3. They Create a Safe Haven: Boundaries are the gatekeepers, ensuring only positive and supportive energies enter. This safe haven allows you to truly focus on your own healing, without unnecessary distractions or negativity.

Also Read: 25 Ellen Everett Poems on Love & Life (Ellen Everett Quotes)

Focusing on taking care of yourself and doing the best you can versus judging yourself is how you take your power back

Focusing on taking care
of yourself and doing
the best you can,
versus judging yourself,
is how you take your
power back.

Lalah Delia
If you walked away from a toxic negative abusive one sided dead end low vibrational relationship or friendship — you won

If you walked away from a
toxic, negative, abusive,
one-sided, dead-end
low vibrational
relationship or friendship
— you won.

Lalah Delia
Self care is how you take your power back

Self-care is how you take your power back.

Lalah Delia
Dont ever stop believing in your own transformation. It is still happening even on days you may not realize it or feel like it

Don’t ever stop believing in your own transformation. It is still happening even on days you may not realize it or feel like it.

Lalah Delia

Brief Analysis

We all have the capacity to evolve, grow, and become something remarkable. But just like a caterpillar, our journeys aren’t always linear or obvious.

There will be days when progress feels invisible like you’re stuck in the cocoon phase. Maybe you’re working towards a goal and hit a plateau, or struggling with a habit you’re trying to break. It’s easy to get discouraged, to lose faith in the process. But that’s when this quote becomes your gentle reminder: Growth doesn’t always shout. Sometimes it happens in quiet whispers.

Let’s think of a seed buried beneath the soil. You can’t see it pushing its roots down, reaching for sunlight. But even in the darkness, the transformation is happening. It might not be dramatic, but it’s essential. The same goes for us. Every step we take, every challenge we overcome, every lesson we learn – even the ones that feel insignificant – contributes to our transformation.

So trust the process, even when it’s hard. Celebrate the small victories, the moments of insight, and the shifts in perspective. Keep believing, keep growing, and watch your beautiful transformation unfold.

Also Read: 27 Inspirational Alex Elle Quotes on Love & Healing

Give thanks for every time you self healed after being broken

Give thanks for every time you self healed after being broken.

Lalah Delia
Keep taking time for yourself until youre you again

Keep taking time for yourself until you’re you again.

Lalah Delia
Pain and suffering are most often the gateways and the initiation into our higher selves and higher purpose

Pain and suffering are most often the gateways and the initiation into our higher selves and higher purpose.

Lalah Delia

Read ‘Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power’ by Lalah Delia

Vibrate Higher Daily Live Your Power
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power

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I'm a former writer with a bachelor's degree in English literature. I’ve always believed that words are a powerful medium for personal growth and transformation.

That’s why I founded Art of Poets on Instagram back in 2018 to share meaningful, motivational words with others. Today, it inspires a community of over 2.4 Million readers on Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and this website which I launched in March 2023.

While I choose to remain anonymous, my passion for sharing inspiring quotes and blog posts on personal growth will always be fueled by the belief that words can truly transform our lives.