25 Ellen Everett Poems on Love & Life (Ellen Everett Quotes)


Ellen Everett is a Nashville-based poet, author, and visual storyteller.

At just 19, she published her debut poetry collection, “I Saw You As A Flower.” She launched her second poetry book “If Hearts Had Training Wheels,” in 2022, which she designed and illustrated herself as well.

What’s special about Ellen Everett is how she uses poetic metaphors and analogies to take our apparently ordinary everyday feelings and turn them into grand gestures. It’s as if she gives a proper name to our small but important feelings and moments through her words.

In this blog post, I’ve shared 25 Ellen Everett Poems and quotes on love and life while analyzing a few of them in more depth. So, let’s begin…

15 Ellen Everett Poems

if i become anything in my lifetime let it be the wind what a wondrous thing to be felt without being seen

if i become
anything in my lifetime
let it be the wind
what a wondrous thing
to be felt
without being seen

Ellen Everett
and again i go to bed early because it hurts too much to stay awake and think about how you arent here the only place i can be with you is in my dreams

and again
i go to bed early
because it hurts too much
to stay awake
and think about
how you aren’t here
the only place
i can be with you
is in my dreams

Ellen Everett
If youre looking for forever Ill take the batteries out of my clocks. So that well be stuck inside this moment as if time had really stopped

If you’re looking for forever,
I’ll take the batteries out of my clocks.
So that we’ll be stuck inside this moment,
as if time had really stopped.

I would tell you I love you every second,
except here, seconds do not exist.
So I’ll say I love you with each breath,
with each smile, with each kiss.

And when I die, you can crank your watch,
restart your clocks, begin the time.
And know that we were infinite
in the moment that you were mine.

Ellen Everett
time doesnt wait on us it doesnt pause for us to play. it doesnt stop for us to complete our dreams it moves forward either way. it doesnt press rewind

time doesn’t wait on us;
it doesn’t pause for us to play.
it doesn’t stop for us to complete our dreams;
it moves forward either way.
it doesn’t press rewind;
a moment passed is a moment lost.
if you didn’t speak your heart,
then regret will be the cost.
time goes on forever,
but our time will surely end.
if you don’t make the most of the time you have,
then time is not your friend.

Ellen Everett

Brief Analysis

It’s obvious that time doesn’t hit the pause button so we can take a break or just relax. It just keeps on going, whether we’re ready for it or not. And here’s the thing – it won’t even stop for us to chase our dreams. It’s like a train that never waits for stragglers.

Time also doesn’t do rewinds. Once a moment passes, it’s gone. If you didn’t say what you really felt or do what you wanted to do, that moment is lost forever. And the cost of that loss? Regret.

Think of it like we have this tiny hourglass, and once the sand runs out, that’s why we need to make the most of the time we’ve got. If we don’t, time becomes less of a friend and more of a reminder of missed opportunities.

In a nutshell, this love poem by Ellen Everett is a reminder to appreciate the moments we have, be true to ourselves, and not let time slip away without making the most of it. After all, time doesn’t wait – it’s always moving, and we’ve got to keep up!

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are you okay they ask i respond as quickly as i can so they will not notice the earthquakes in my voice or the tsunamis in my eyes or the drought in my heart

are you okay
they ask
i respond as quickly
as i can
so they will not
notice the earthquakes
in my voice
or the tsunamis
in my eyes
or the drought
in my heart

Ellen Everett
i hope that you never know what it feels like to brush your teeth with the bathroom lights off because the reflection in the mirror deems itself unworthy to be seen

i hope that you never know
what it feels like
to brush your teeth
with the bathroom lights off
because the
reflection in the mirror
deems itself
unworthy to be seen

Ellen Everett
be a light that doesnt cast shadows on anyone have a smile that shines for everyone and create a happiness that can be taken by no one

be a light
that doesn’t cast shadows
on anyone
have a smile
that shines
for everyone
and create a happiness
that can be taken by
no one

Ellen Everett
poetry is the music for those who cannot sing

poetry is the music
for those
who cannot sing

Ellen Everett

Brief Analysis

Poets use words to paint pictures, to evoke emotions, and to tell stories in a way that music simply cannot. Using words to connect sounds and meanings, they create melodies in language that touch our hearts.

Poetry is not just about words, though. It is about the rhythm of those words, the way they dance and swirl around each other. It is about the music inside the language, just waiting to be heard.

So as you read these Ellen Everett poems, listen to the music they’re expressing, Let the rhythm wash over you and let the emotions flow through you.

After all, poetry is the music for those who cannot sing, but it is a music that is just as beautiful and just as powerful.

sometimes I just need to be reminded that there are still things that notice me amongst the loneliness of

sometimes, I just need
to be reminded
that there are still things
that notice me
amongst the loneliness
of existing

Ellen Everett
how do I grow my heart back after Ive given it away Maybe its just like the moon it was never gone—

how do I grow my heart back
after I’ve given it away?
Maybe it’s just like the moon;
it was never gone—
it’s just been dark here for a while
and a day will come
when the light of life
will overake me
and my crescent heart
will become full again

Ellen Everett
the audacity people have to tell you they love you while knowing it is only their brain speaking and not their heart

the audacity
people have
to tell you
they love you
while knowing
it is only
their brain speaking
and not their heart

Ellen Everett
i was wrong to mistake you for oxygen to think that i needed you to live. because you were actually the Very element that suffocated

i was wrong to mistake you for oxygen –
to think that i needed you to live.
because you were actually
the Very element that suffocated

-you’re gone and i can breathe again

Ellen Everett

Brief Analysis

We’ve all been in situations where we’ve mistaken something or someone for being absolutely essential to our existence.

It’s a common human experience, isn’t it? But unfortunately, it’s almost as if we’ve collectively held on to something toxic all while thinking it’s necessary for our well-being.

Sooner or later, we have to let go of whatever stifles us. Think about it: haven’t we all felt that sigh of relief when something that was holding us back is finally removed from our lives? It’s like a long-due breath of life itself again.

So, let’s always do our best to understand the difference between what we think we need and what is actually holding us back. Sometimes, letting go of toxicity is the key to finding the freedom to breathe and live without constraints.

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HOPE I know its there its in the air Hope its hard to find when life strips is bare But Ill search for it on the wings of a prayer I know eventually it will come back to me


I know it’s there, it’s in the air
Hope; it’s hard to find when life strips is bare
But I’ll search for it on the wings of a prayer
I know eventually it will come back to me.
One day, hope won’t be hard to see.
My hardened heart will soon be free.
I know it’s there, it’s in the air.

Ellen Everett
we dream of being loved like gold but we settle for someone who loves us like silver and we wonder why we tarnish

we dream of being
loved like gold
but we settle for someone
who loves us like silver
and we wonder
why we tarnish

Ellen Everett
you sing love songs to me with your eyes

you sing
love songs to me
with your eyes

Ellen Everett

10 Ellen Everett Quotes

oh how difficult it is to balance celebrating and mourning the time you had with someone

oh how difficult
it is
to balance
and mourning
the time you had with someone

Ellen Everett

Brief Analysis

Balancing celebration and mourning is a delicate thing as we think about the relationships that have shaped our lives.

It is a mixture of cherishing the joy and laughter we shared and absorbing the pain and loss we experienced. On one hand, we want to hold onto those memories. But on the other hand, a wave of sadness crashes into us as we live the reality of loss.

And what’s challenging is finding a way to honor both these emotions making peace with the fact that these emotions are not mutually exclusive, but rather two sides of the same coin.

So, let us honor the love that we felt, the joy that was shared, and the pain that lingers, because, in the end, it is in this delicate balance that we find true healing and growth.

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laughter is the music in a world full of too much silence and the silence in a world full of too much noise

laughter is the music
in a world
full of too much silence
and the silence
in a world
full of too much noise

Ellen Everett
even if i am stripped of everything i will not be nothing

even if i am
of everything
i will not
be nothing

Ellen Everett
sometimes i am not the princess — i am the dragon and every now and then i burn myself with my own fire

i am
not the princess –
i am the dragon
and every now and then
i burn myself
with my own fire

Ellen Everett
you drink nectar with the hummingbirds but prey with the vultures and you wonder why you cannot be trusted you are who you are with

you drink nectar
with the hummingbirds
but prey with the vultures
and you wonder why
you cannot be trusted

-you are who you are with

Ellen Everett

Brief Analysis

The hummingbirds here symbolize sweetness, innocence, and purity with their delicate wings and gentle nature. The nectar they drink is a life-giving substance, and their presence evokes a sense of peace and tranquility.

On the other hand, the vultures, with their scavenging habits, represent darkness, death, and decay. The association with prey tells us their willingness to take from others without regard for their well-being.

Similarly, some people are a hummingbird in the presence of hummingbirds, and a vulture in the presence of vultures, which ultimately leads to a confused, untrustworthy personality.

That’s why they say, ‘’A man is known by the company he keeps.’’ In other words, If we want people to see us as honest and trustworthy, we should pay attention to the people we hang out with and make sure we consistently act in a truthful and reliable way.

I want love to inhabit every home in my body

I want love to inhabit
every home in my body.

Ellen Everett
clarity I thought maybe the sea would speak to me. I thought that somewhere between the sandy hair and salty skin Id hear something

I thought maybe the sea would speak to me. I thought that somewhere between the sandy hair and salty skin, I’d hear something. I sat by the ocean and waited for a clarity that didn’t come. It was just one wave crashing after the other. Not answers. Or reasons why. The tide just kept falling against the shore. It couldn’t stop if it wanted to. I guess life keeps on going whether our questions are answered or not. The only thing we can do is keep living.

Ellen Everett
gather up your limbs If youre feeling empty today gather up your limbs. Take them on a walk. Drink in the sunlight

gather up your limbs
If you’re feeling empty today, gather up
your limbs. Take them on a walk. Drink in
the sunlight; fill your lungs with new air.
Let the birdsongs inspire you. How they
lift their heads and sing despite everything.
Inhale the beauty of living. Exhale the rest

Ellen Everett
I let the sun give me freckles so i could share a piece of sunshine with someone in the dark

I let the sun
give me freckles
so i could share
a piece of sunshine
with someone in the dark

Ellen Everett

Brief Analysis

Let’s dive into this lovely little Ellen Everett quote together, shall we? Imagine standing under the warm, golden rays of the sun, feeling its gentle touch on your skin.

But, hold on a second – why freckles? Well, because these freckles aren’t just cute dots on your skin; they’re like tiny bits of sunshine that the sun itself has showered on you.

It’s as if the sun created these freckles so that you could share a piece of its beautiful warmth and light with those who need it the most but can’t see the light just yet because of their inner demons.

In short, it’s like a poetic way of telling us all to pass on positivity, and frankly, who wouldn’t want to be a walking, talking spreader of hope, right?

my veins are blue because im without you

my veins are blue

Ellen Everett

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I'm a former writer with a bachelor's degree in English literature. I’ve always believed that words are a powerful medium for personal growth and transformation.

That’s why I founded Art of Poets on Instagram back in 2018 to share meaningful, motivational words with others. Today, it inspires a community of over 2.4 Million readers on Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and this website which I launched in March 2023.

While I choose to remain anonymous, my passion for sharing inspiring quotes and blog posts on personal growth will always be fueled by the belief that words can truly transform our lives.