Table of Contents
LOVE. The most powerful yet equally complex emotions that we feel. It’s a subject that has been discussed, celebrated, and studied for thousands of years. Poets, philosophers, and artists alike have tried to understand its mysteries and impact on our lives, but yet it remains beyond our grasp.
So, what is love, really? And why does it occupy such a special place in our hearts?
From Plato to Shakespeare, all the way to Neruda and Paulo Coelho, the world’s greatest wordsmiths have tried to portray the essence of love through their words.
And even though there’s no single definition of love, in this blog post, we’ll dive into the fascinating topic of love and explore 40 fascinating short love quotes that will surely pull your heartstrings.
40 Short Love Quotes (Analyzed)

If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.
Alfred Tennyson
Brief Analysis
Imagining yourself walking through a beautiful garden, each step immersing you in color, beauty, and fragrance.
As you move through this garden, you’re surrounded by a sense of wonder and awe. You feel as if you could wander through it forever, discovering new flowers and cherishing new moments.
Tennyson’s words express the same kind of beauty in love, the way the thought of our loved ones gives us a sense of beauty on our journey, a garden that we tend and nurture over time. That love is like endless beauty, transcending time and space.
It goes without saying that love requires attention, care, and patience just like a garden does. We must water it, nourish it, and protect it from the storms of life. Only then, we can create a garden that will sustain us for a lifetime.
Also Read: 74 Best Winnie the Pooh Quotes on Friendship, Life, Love, Goodbye, Memories, Adventure & Honey

When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.
Jess C. Scott
Brief Analysis
When you talk to someone you love, your voice softens, your eyes light up, and your words carry tenderness and affection that is hard to ignore. You speak of them with a sense of pride and protectiveness, as if they were priceless.
But where does this sense of safety and comfort come from?
I believe it’s the sincerity of our feelings in our words that makes all the difference. Our tone of voice communicates our level of commitment and loyalty to that person which becomes evident from our attitude toward our beloved.
Whatever the reason, when talking to your loved ones, speak from your heart, and let your love shine in every syllable. And if someone talks about you in this way, cherish it because nothing is more precious than someone who truly values you.

I’ve been making a list of the things they don’t teach you at school. They don’t teach you how to love somebody. They don’t teach you how to be famous. They don’t teach you how to be rich or how to be poor. They don’t teach you how to walk away from someone you don’t love any longer. They don’t teach you how to know what’s going on in someone else’s mind. They don’t teach you what to say to someone who’s dying. They don’t teach you anything worth knowing.
Neil Gaiman
Brief Analysis
Love, fame, wealth, poverty, heartbreak, empathy, and death are all part of the human experience, yet they do not teach us how to cope with them.
What about the intricacies of forming a meaningful connection with another human being? How to walk away from someone we don’t love any longer? What about being famous or rich, or even to be poor? How about teaching how to show compassion to a depressed person?
On top of all this, death is another taboo subject in school. Most of us have no idea how to comfort someone dying or what to do after they’ve passed away.
These emotions are what make us truly human, and yet our flawed education system fails to address them. So, we should at least help one another through life’s challenges.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Lao Tzu
Brief Analysis
When we are deeply loved, we know we have someone who believes in us no matter what happens. This kind of love can make us feel invincible like we can conquer anything that comes our way.
Similarly, loving someone deeply, even when it is difficult or risky, can give us the courage we need to grow. Our love for someone drives us to take risks for their happiness and well-being.
The more we put others’ needs before our own, the more compassionate, empathetic, and selfless we become.
All in all, love has the power to transform us like nothing else, but only if we allow it to do so.

Love is not something you go out and look for. Love finds you, and when it does, ready or not, it’ll be the best thing to ever happen to you.
Brief Analysis
Love has its own timeline, its own rhythm. It finds us when we’re ready for it, whether we know it or not. It’s kinda like the universe’s way of saying, “Hey, you’re doing great, but let me make it even better.”
There is more to love than romance and passion. Human connections are rooted in love, the bond that binds us to our families, friends, and communities. It’s the warmth in a hug, the smile on a stranger’s face, the laughter that fills a room.
So when love finds us, it opens our hearts, expands our minds, and lifts our spirits. Love shows us the beauty in ourselves and in others, and it reminds us we are never alone.
In short, love is the best thing that can ever happen to us because it brings us closer to who we really are.

Love isn’t finding someone who completes you. It’s finding someone who accepts you completely.
Brief Analysis
Many of us believe that love is about finding someone who fills our lives with meaning. But is it healthy to rely on another person to make us WHOLE?
It’s not. Love is more about finding someone who accepts us completely with all our flaws and imperfections.
And when that happens, we finally feel free enough to stop trying to be perfect. We can be vulnerable and open, knowing that we won’t be judged or rejected.
In short, love should equal acceptance. And through acceptance, we can truly feel accepted, seen, heard, and understood. It should all be about finding someone who helps us become the best version of ourselves.

The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that’s what you’ve given me. That’s what I’d hoped to give you forever.
Nicholas Sparks
Brief Analysis
Love is a two-way thing. As a couple, we must give as much as we receive, and be the light that guides our partner through the dark times.
Ultimately, love is not just something that we feel, but something that we do. It’s a choice that we make every day to show up for our beloveds and to love them unconditionally.
When we find that kind of love, it’s worth holding on to forever through the good times and the bad.
Because in the end, the love we give and receive is what makes life truly worth living, not the material things we own.
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Love is an untamed force.
When we try to control it, it destroys us.
Paulo Coelho
When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us.
When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.
Brief Analysis
Love is an unpredictable force. It has the ability to knock us off our feet, leaving us breathless and euphoric, but at the same time, it can also leave us feeling lost and confused. In other words, love can control us but we can never.
This is because love demands to be free and allowed to flourish in its own unique way. When we try to control love, we end up suffocating it, and in turn, we end up suffocating ourselves.
Love is also not a puzzle that we can solve. It’s an experience, a feeling, a connection that transcends words and logic. It is a mystery that cannot be fully understood but only felt.
So, let us embrace this wild force of love and let it take us on an unforgettable adventure.

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Brief Analysis
Love is not an easy path to follow. It needs patience, and a willingness to listen to others.
But when we choose to do so, we open ourselves up to opportunities for transformation, both for ourselves and others. Love has the power to heal old wounds, mend broken relationships, and bring people together in ways that we never thought possible.
And when we decide to approach everyone with the grace of love, it has the power to conquer hate, to transform enemies into friends. Then, it doesn’t just remain an abstract concept, it becomes a force so powerful that can change the world for the better.
So let us choose love today and be messengers of bringing people together and fostering understanding.

Love is not a noun, it’s a verb. It isn’t something you have, it’s something you do.
Brief Analysis
At its core, love is something we actively engage in and demonstrate through our actions.
It is about showing up and making an effort for our loved ones. to make an effort. It’s about offering a shoulder to cry on or lending a helping hand. In other words, love is not just about what we SAY, it’s about what we DO.
This means we constantly have to work every single day to keep love alive.
Remember, love is not a picture-perfect movie, the reality of love may not be as fascinating as the movies but love is still love, and it’s always worth the effort.

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
Pablo Neruda
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.
Brief Analysis
The kind of love Neruda talks about is not something that can be shared with everyone.
It’s a love that exists only between two people, hidden away in the shadows where no one else can see.
And yet, there’s also a sense of beauty in this darkness.
In the end, love is deeper than our physical self. It’s a union of two souls, deeper than words, deeper than actions, the essence of our beings, and it can never be extinguished.

One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.
Paulo Coelho
Brief Analysis
Contrary to popular modern love where we often find reasons to love someone, true love doesn’t need a reason to exist, and it doesn’t require an explanation to be felt. It’s a primal force that’s present in all of us, waiting to be awakened by the right person or circumstance.
We love people for who they are, not because of what they do for us or because of the qualities they possess. Their mere presence in our lives brings us joy and fulfillment, so we love them simply because they exist.
This is why love is so powerful. It does not depend on external factors like wealth, status, or looks.
Despite our biases or judgments, love connects us all, allowing us to see the beauty in others. This energy transcends all languages, cultures, and even time.

In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.
Jane Austen
Brief Analysis
In a world where we often hide our emotions, Austen’s words reinforce the idea that it is okay to be open and express our emotions.
For our own peace of mind, it’s important that we be honest with ourselves and speak our hearts out at the right time.
Expressing love always feels intimidating, but it’s a risk worth taking.
Putting ourselves out there is sometimes the only way to truly connect with our beloved.

It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them.
Agatha Christie
Brief Analysis
Have you ever laughed at your partner’s inability to properly operate a kitchen gadget or your parent’s awkward attempts at technology?
If you think about it, these silly cute moments bring a sense of affection toward them despite their foolishness.
I believe it’s these moments of imperfection that allow us to see the raw, authentic side of our loved ones. They remind us that beneath the facade of societal expectations, we are all unique and lovable.
So the next time you catch your loved one doing something absurd, take a moment to laugh with them, not at them, and let yourself feel the warmth of your affection for them.

There is always madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Brief Analysis
Love is a force that can drive people to greatness or madness, depending on how they utilize its power.
This madness can be the strength of our emotions, a reminder that we are capable of feeling deeply and passionately.
Or it can be destructive, leading us down paths that can consume us entirely.
But let us not be afraid of the madness that love brings along. Let us celebrate its intensity and harness its true potential to transform our lives meaningfully.

I don’t trust people who don’t love themselves and tell me, ‘I love you.’… There is an African saying which is: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.
Maya Angelou
Brief Analysis
Self-love is not about being selfish, it is about treating ourselves with the same kindness and compassion we would offer to our loved ones.
When we love ourselves, Think about it, when we take care of ourselves, we can stay healthy, positive, and confident. Which essentially means we can be a better human, a better partner, a better citizen of the world.
But when we do not love ourselves, we try to seek validation from others. This only creates an unhealthy cycle of being dependent on others for our own happiness and well-being. It’s simply not sustainable.
Remember, you cannot give what you do not have.

If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. If they don’t, they never were.
Kahlil Gibran
Brief Analysis
Love means giving our loved ones space to be themselves, even if that means letting them go. It means trusting them to make the right decisions for themselves, despite the fact that those decisions lead to their removal from us.
In this way, the act of letting go becomes a powerful tool for testing the strength and depth of our love. It forces us to confront our fears and insecurities, and intentions. Ultimately, if our love still remains, then it is based on authenticity and truth.
There’s a quote by Amna Dhanani that goes “I knew you needed space, I didn’t know you needed it between us.”. The quote is a perfect example of how confusing modern relationships can be.
With so much happening in this world, there is an element of uncertainty and insecurity. We should let our relations hang loose for a while because if two people are meant to be together, nothing can keep them apart forever.

Doubt thou the stars are fire;
William Shakespeare
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.
Brief Analysis
Love, in all its depth and passion, is still sometimes questioned.
We doubt our own feelings and the feelings of those around us. But as this quote from Hamlet demonstrates, even if we go to the limit of questioning the very nature of the universe, love should still remain an unshakable truth.
The final line, “But never doubt I love,” is a powerful affirmation of the depth of love, which is greater than any doubt or uncertainty imaginable.
In essence, love is a constant force in a world that is ever-changing and unpredictable.

Edgar Allen Poe
Brief Analysis
The kind of love Poe speaks about is rare. It’s the love poets write about and artists try to portray. It is the kind of love that we all long for, but few are lucky enough to experience.
But I believe despite its rarity, we can all strive to love with a love that is more than love.
We can open ourselves up to the possibility of a love that is beyond ordinary. A love that transcends the physical realm and enters the spiritual realm.
Remember, love is subjective to everyone. It doesn’t have to be all magic and butterflies. It just has to have a sense of fulfillment in it, the joy of being alive.

It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Brief Analysis
Friendship seems like an odd ingredient in a marriage, but when you think about it, it makes perfect sense.
When couples prioritize friendship in their relationship, they become true companions and a team together. As a result, they learn to communicate openly and honestly, compromise and negotiate, and respect each other’s differences. More importantly, they do it without judgment.
Alternatively, a marriage devoid of friendship can quickly fall apart. In the absence of genuine interest in each other’s lives, a couple starts feeling disconnected, unsupported and misunderstood. As a result, resentment, anger, and loneliness start to develop, eventually leading to a breakup.
So, if you’re married, this is a reminder for you to please take the time to cultivate a meaningful friendship with your spouse. Take care of each other and nurture common interests, values, and goals. It will strengthen your marriage.

You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not.
Jodi Picoult
Brief Analysis
It goes without saying that loving someone means the willingness to accept their flaws and shortcomings.
It means to see beyond their mistakes and recognize the beauty in their unique qualities. Don’t forget, we love them for who they are, not who we want them to be.
It can be easy to forget the importance of embracing imperfection in a world that values perfection above all else.
Jodi Picoult’s quote is a powerful reminder that true love is not found in perfection but in the messy, complicated, and imperfect parts of life.
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We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness – and call it love – true love.
Robert Fulghum
Brief Analysis
Life sometimes unfolds in weird ways. When we meet someone whose peculiarities match our own, we are instantly drawn to them. It’s as if our souls recognize a soulmate in another person.
When we become mutually satisfied weirdos because of that connection, something magical happens. It’s called love. It’s not just any love, it’s true love. An unconditional love that accepts us despite our weirdness.
The thing is… Life is too short to hide who we really are. When someone embraces our weirdness, why shouldn’t we feel free to be ourselves and not worry about being judged for once?
So, embrace your weirdness, and never settle for someone who doesn’t appreciate it.

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.
A. A. Milne
Brief Analysis
What a beautiful expression of undying love.
This sentiment speaks to our deep desire to spend as much time with the ones we love as we can.
The beauty of this quote lies in its simplicity. There’s no grand declaration or metaphor here. It captures the essence of what love truly is, even in its simplest form.
To live 100 years with your beloved, till only death could separate you, what more could a lover ask for?

You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known and even that is an understatement.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Brief Analysis
This quote has become one of my personal favorites… I mean, just read it twice and you’ll fall in love with these words.
Imagine your love telling you that you are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person they have ever known. How would that make you feel? Would you be surprised? Overwhelmed? Humbled? It isn’t often that we hear such praise, let alone specifically spoken to us.
But what does it mean to be the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person? This means embodying qualities that go beyond the surface level.
Inside and out, these are the qualities that make someone truly beautiful. Acknowledging these qualities in others not only makes them feel good about themselves but also inspires them to keep being the best they can be.

Love is when you sit beside someone doing nothing, yet you feel perfectly happy.
Brief Analysis
More than grand romantic gestures, I believe it’s the small moments of intimacy and connection that are the most memorable in love.
You cannot beat the feeling of sitting next to someone and feeling completely content and at peace.
It’s a moment that doesn’t require any words or actions, just the presence of the other person.
Sometimes it’s enough just to be together, even if you’re not talking, being the happiest in each other’s company

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
Brief Analysis
Our soul, that invisible part of ourselves that makes us who we are, is the true source of love.
When we love someone, we become one with them, sharing a connection that is beyond physical boundaries.
This is why love is so powerful, so transformative. Nothing else can bring two people together like it. It allows us to see beyond our differences and connect more deeply.
In essence, the two halves of a whole come together when we love one another. It is the merging of two souls into one, a bond that can never be broken.

Because of you, I can feel myself slowly, but surely, becoming the me I have always dreamed of being.
Tyler Knott Gregson
Brief Analysis
If love doesn’t get us closer to our truest selves, it simply isn’t love.
And Tyler Knott Gregson has beautifully captured the essence of that feeling in these few words.
I believe real love should help us get closer to our innermost selves. Because sometimes, this journey to self-discovery and personal growth needs a little push.
And when our loved ones are by our side, we can push through those difficult times just a little easier, ultimately becoming the person we’ve always dreamed of being.

I love you” begins by I, but it ends up by you.
Charles de Leusse
Brief Analysis
Saying “I love you,” is a promise you make to someone you care about.
A promise that you will be there for them, support them and care for them no matter what. The promise is all about the other person.
In other words, true love is about giving – giving our time, our energy, and our hearts to another human.
So, remember that “I love you” is more about the person you’re saying it to. It’s about the promises you’re making, and the commitment you’re showing. It may be starting with ‘I” (you), but ultimately, it’s more about ‘you’ (them).

I never want to stop making memories with you.
Pierre Jeanty
Brief Analysis
Whether it’s a lazy Sunday morning at home, a road trip to some place new, or just a night out on the town with our beloved, these moments make up who we are, the things that remind us of what’s truly important.
The point is, making memories isn’t about making memories for the sake of it.
Brief moments like these are what actually lead to deeper connections. It’s like exploring each other uniqueness having fun, their likes and dislikes, their hopes and dreams, and everything in between.
We become a part of their story just as they become a part of ours.

There is no remedy for love but to love more.
Henry David Thoreau
Brief Analysis
What happens when we give our hearts to someone, and they break them into a million pieces? The truth is… Human life, without some kind of love in it is not livable, even if this means embracing more hurt.
As Rumi said, “The cure for pain is in the pain.” When we love someone, heartbreak, and pain are inevitable in one form or another.
It’s a risk we take, but one worth taking. And even when that love is gone, there’s always more love to give and receive in the infinite depths of our hearts.
To love more is not just about finding another person to love. It’s about opening ourselves up to love in all its forms. Whether it’s our pets, our hobbies, or ourselves, we can love more deeply. When you fall in love with these little things, the hurt slowly fades away.

I choose to love you in silence,
For in silence, I find no rejection.
Brief Analysis
In silence, we can love purely and unconditionally.
It’s a love that doesn’t require validation or recognition. It’s a love that simply exists.
But this loving in silence requires a certain level of acceptance, a deeper chemistry that can be difficult to achieve.
It means letting love flow freely without expecting anything in return. Essentially, it means loving for the sake of loving without expecting anything in return.

Forever is an illusion, love isn’t.
Amna Dhanani
Brief Analysis
The reality of life is that seasons change, and people come and go. The idea that we could somehow hold onto something forever is nothing but a fantasy.
But love is the only thing capable of defying time and binding people together. It’s a feeling that can withstand the tests of time and the trials of life, as the world around us changes.
True love is not a temporary emotion that fades away. It’s a commitment to be there for someone through thick and thin, to be a source of strength and support no matter what challenges may arise.
And while it may not be perfect all the time, love is always there for us, guiding us toward a brighter future.

I know of no greater happiness than to be with you all the time, without interruption, without end.
Franz Kafka
Brief Analysis
To be in the endless companionship of our beloved, what more could a heart ask for?
We all want to feel loved, supported, and understood. We crave such deep and meaningful connections.
Yet, in today’s fast-paced world, it is getting harder to build such a connection with others. That’s why we need to prioritize relationships over tasks and value human interaction above everything else.
So, today, let’s take a moment for deep conversations and quiet moments of connection with our loved ones. Let’s prioritize the people who matter most because, in the end, that’s what truly matters.

The air I breathe in a room empty of you is unhealthy.
John Keats
Brief Analysis
Love binds us to our loved ones, tying our worlds together.
In every moment we spend with them, we become a part of their being. When that connection breaks down, the world feels incomplete, our very existence feels incomplete.
It is only when they are no longer around that we realize the value of every breath, every word, and every precious moment spent together. My God, it’s a heart-wrenching thing to even imagine.
So, let us cherish those we love because life is too short, too fragile, and too beautiful to waste it on anything less than love, laughter, and joy.

You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die.
William Shakespeare
Brief Analysis
True love doesn’t rely on looks or material things. It’s the kind of love that sees beyond the surface and looks deeper into the soul, the love that lasts FOREVER.
Sometimes we think love is just a momentary feeling, something that goes away with time.
But true love is eternal, and it lasts no matter how old we get or how gray our hair becomes.
So let us strive to find that kind of love and hold onto it tightly, and cherish it for as long as we live.
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Each day I love you more, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
Rosemonde Gerard
Brief Analysis
The true test of love comes as time goes by, as our feelings begin to grow. We become aware of our partner’s flaws and imperfections, but we love them anyway.
As we learn to appreciate the little things they do, we realize that true love is not just about passion, but also about lifelong commitment.
This way, love becomes a never-ending journey of understanding and exploration, where we learn more about ourselves and our partners with each passing day.
Love today being less than love tomorrow shows that true love has no limits. No matter how much we love our partners today, there is always room for love to grow. And that’s the beauty of it. Our love isn’t set or finite – it’s always ever-changing and infinite.

I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.
Mother Teresa
Brief Analysis
If we love until it hurts, we can rise above the pain and enter a state of pure love. A love that is free from the shackles of ego and expectation.
This means opening our hearts enough to give without expecting anything in return. There will be times when we get hurt. But in doing so, we allow boundless, unconditional love to flourish.
By loving until it hurts, we enter a realm of love beyond ourselves. Embracing a love that is greater than ourselves takes us beyond our own desires and needs.
Regardless of race, gender, or creed, it is a love that extends to everybody. It is a love that recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every human being as well as the interconnectedness of all things.

At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.
Brief Analysis
There is something about love that inspires the poet in us all. It’s as if we flip a switch, and suddenly we see the world differently. There is more color, more sound, and more meaning to everything.
Love opens up a door to a whole new level of understanding, and it allows us to express our thoughts and feelings in a whole new way.
Love flows from us like a river. We find ourselves writing love letters and poems, or expressing our emotions through art. We weave tales of romance and passion. Love becomes our muse, inspiring us to create beauty in every form.
As a result, we become more aware of others’ needs and emotions, and this allows us to connect with them more authentically. All in all, it starts unfolding our deepest selves in a way beyond words.

Love cures people – both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.
Karl A. Menninger
Brief Analysis
Whenever we give love to someone, we’re not just showing them how much we care, but we’re also feeling fulfillment and joy inside us. It’s like love creates a feedback loop that keeps on giving, and the more we give, the more we get.
Meanwhile, receiving love from someone makes us feel loved, boosting our self-esteem and confidence. We can also use it to overcome challenging times and achieve our goals with the support and motivation of our beloved.
In other words, love initiates a healing effect on our emotional and physical well-being. Studies have shown that people who receive love and support from others are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems.
Love can also boost our immune system, lower our stress levels, and even reduce our risk of heart disease. In short, love LITERALLY heals us.

More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.
Roy T. Bennett
Brief Analysis
If you think about it, these small acts of kindness and positivity make a big difference in our lives and the lives of those we care about.
By smiling at someone, we’re not only brightening their day but also boosting our own mood and making us feel better. When we approach others with compassion instead of judgment, we build stronger, more meaningful connections.
We cultivate gratitude and contentment when we focus on the blessings in our lives instead of our stresses. Choosing love over hate spreads hope and healing.
Of course, we’re bound to experience negative emotions occasionally as well. But by consciously shifting our attention towards positivity and kindness, we can start to develop a more optimistic mindset. So embrace these words as a mantra for your life, and see how your world will change.