Feeling Stressed Out? Try These Easy-to-Follow Tips to Find Calm & Balance​

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows but only empties today of its strength. Charles Spurgeon


As the world becomes more fast-paced and competitive, stress and anxiety have become commonplace in people’s lives.

From personal relationships to work pressures, there are numerous stress triggers that can make life overwhelming. If left unchecked, these emotions can wreak havoc on one’s health and well-being.

The good news is that managing stress and anxiety is possible, and it starts with taking small, intentional steps to stay grounded and centered.

In this blog post, I’ll share 12 practical strategies that can help you manage stress and anxiety, so you can lead a happier, healthier life. Let’s dive right in…

12 Effective Strategies to Cope With Stress & Anxiety

1. Identify Your Triggers

The first step in managing stress and anxiety is to identify your triggers. What situations or circumstances tend to cause you the most stress and anxiety? Is it work-related pressure? Personal relationships? Financial worries?

In the words of Ken Poirot, “Knowing your triggers is key to controlling your reactions and, ultimately, to regaining control of your life.” Simply put, once you’ve identified your triggers, you can start to develop strategies to manage them.

2. Exercise Regularly

The mind and body are deeply interconnected. One of the most effective ways to boost your mental health is by exercising regularly. Exercise releases endorphins that are natural mood boosters, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Whether it’s going for a walk in the park, lifting weights at the gym, or practicing yoga, exercise is a great way to release tension and promote relaxation.

3. Practice Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a simple but potent technique for reducing stress and anxiety. It’s a powerful tool that can help lower your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and promote relaxation. The beauty of deep breathing is that it can be done anytime and anywhere.

So whether you’re in the middle of a stressful workday or dealing with a challenging situation at home, deep breathing can help you to calm down and feel more centered.

Breathe deeply until sweet air extinguishes the burn of fear in your lungs and every breath is a beautiful refusal to become anything less than infinite. – D. Antoinette Foy

Breathe deeply, until sweet air extinguishes the burn of fear in your lungs and every breath is a beautiful refusal to become anything less than infinite.

D. Antoinette Foy

4. Spend Time in Nature

Nature has a profound impact on our mental health. It’s a place of peace, tranquility, and rejuvenation for humans now, more than ever before.

Research has shown that spending time in nature can help to reduce stress and anxiety, boost your mood, improve your cognitive function, and even boost your immune system.

Whether you prefer hiking in the mountains, walking along the beach, or simply relaxing in a park, being in nature can help you to slow down and reconnect with your inner self.

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir

Also Read: 46 Yoga Quotes About Balance, Gratitude, Happiness, Letting Go, Change & Self Love

5. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful way to cultivate a positive mindset and reduce stress and anxiety. Focusing on the things that you’re grateful for can help to shift your perspective and promote feelings of contentment and peace.

By taking a few minutes each day to write down the things that you’re thankful for, you can create a daily habit of positivity and appreciation. Whether it’s your family, your health, or the simple pleasures in life, practicing gratitude is a simple but effective way to feel better.

6. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful technique that can help you manage stress and anxiety by bringing you into the present moment.

Rather than worrying about the future or ruminating on the past, mindfulness teaches you to focus on the present moment and observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment.

This can help you feel more grounded, centered, and less reactive to stressful situations.

7. Build a Support System

Having a strong support system can make a huge difference when it comes to managing stress and anxiety. Whether it’s family, friends, or a therapist, having people you can talk to and lean on can help you feel less alone and more supported. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help when you need it.

8. Get Organized

Being organized can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Write down your to-do list, prioritize your tasks, and delegate responsibilities when necessary.

Having a clear plan can help you to feel more in control and reduce feelings of overwhelm.

Being organized is being in control. Alexa Hirschfeld

Being organized is being in control.

Alexa Hirschfeld

9. Avoid Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

When you’re feeling stressed and anxious, it’s easy to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like overeating, procrastinating, self-blaming, or even drinking alcohol.

Instead, try to find healthy ways to cope, such as meditation, exercise, or talking to a friend.

10. Utilize ‘Sound Therapy’

Sound therapy involves using sound to reduce stress and promote relaxation. This can include listening to relaxing music, singing bowls, tuning forks, or even binaural beats.

The vibrations from the sounds can help calm your nervous system and promote feelings of relaxation.

Dr. Mitchell Gaynor says,

“Sound therapy is based on the idea that we are all made up of different frequencies. When one part of the body is out of tune, it can throw the whole body off balance. Sound therapy helps to restore balance and harmony.”

Also Read: How Nature Heals Our Body, Mind & Soul

11. Limit Screen Time

In today’s digital age, it can be hard to disconnect from technology. However, limiting your screen time can be incredibly beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety. Social media and technology can be significant sources of stress and can even disrupt your sleep quality.

By taking a break from screens, you can promote mindfulness, reduce stress, and improve your overall mental health. Try setting aside a specific time each day to disconnect from technology, or even take a full day off from social media and screens.

The key is to use technology not be used by it. Unknown

The key is to use technology, not be used by it.


12. Seek Professional Help

If you find that you are unable to manage your stress and anxiety on your own, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

A mental health professional can provide you with support and guidance and help you to develop a personalized coping strategy.


To conclude, remember that it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself and prioritizing your mental health.

While it may seem overwhelming at first, you can slowly incorporate these easy-to-follow strategies into your daily routine to help you manage these emotions. They may not completely eliminate stress and anxiety, but they will significantly reduce your stress levels and improve your quality of life.

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I'm a former writer with a bachelor's degree in English literature. I’ve always believed that words are a powerful medium for personal growth and transformation.

That’s why I founded Art of Poets on Instagram back in 2018 to share meaningful, motivational words with others. Today, it inspires a community of over 2.4 Million readers on Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and this website which I launched in March 2023.

While I choose to remain anonymous, my passion for sharing inspiring quotes and blog posts on personal growth will always be fueled by the belief that words can truly transform our lives.