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Brianna Wiest is a Los Angeles based poet, writer, and a partner with Thought Catalog.
She is the international bestselling author of ‘101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think’, ‘The Mountain Is You’, and a few other poetry books with over 1 million copies worldwide.
The themes in Brianna Wiest’s quotes and poetry mainly revolve around leaving behind the past, embracing self-love, and finding true happiness in life’s simple pleasures.
In this blog post, you’ll find 56 Brianna Wiest quotes on life, love, happiness, self care along with an explanation of a few of the quotes. So, let’s dive in…
22 Brianna Wiest Quotes About Life

The worst happened, and then it passed. You lost the person you thought you couldn’t live without, and then you kept living. You lost your job and then found another one. You began to realize that “safety” isn’t in certainty—but in faith that you can simply keep going.
Brianna Wiest

Holding on will not make something come back. In my experience, it actually pushes it farther away. You cannot go back and undo what’s done, my friends. You can only move forward.
Brianna Wiest

Not everyone will like you. Not everyone will be kind to you. Not everyone will agree with you. That does not mean you have to be unkind in return.
Brianna Wiest

Your new life is going to cost you your old one. It’s going to cost you your comfort zone and your sense of direction. It’s going to cost you relationships and friends. It’s going to cost you being liked and understood. It doesn’t matter. The people who are meant for you are going to meet you on the other side. You’re going to build a new comfort zone around the things that actually move you forward. Instead of being liked, you’re going to be loved. Instead of being understood, you’re going to be seen. All you’re going to lose is what was built for a person you no longer are.
Brianna Wiest
Brief Analysis
This famous ‘your new life is going to cost you’ quote by Brianna Wiest is a gentle reminder of how to venture on a new journey, we must say goodbye to the old one we’ve been attached so deeply with. It’s like setting out on a new path, which can be scary but exciting at the same time.
This journey isn’t just about physical change; it’s a deep transformation that touches every part of us. We might lose friends and comfort, but it’s all part of moving forward.
In this new space, we find people who love us for who we truly are, not just for who we used to be. Our new comfort zone becomes a place where we’re not just liked but truly loved and seen.
Ultimately, when we let go of our old selves, we make way for a more authentic version of ourselves.
Also Read: 23 Best The Mountain Is You Quotes (Book by Brianna Wiest)

One day, you will realize that true success is not the way things look but how they feel.
Brianna Wiest

Nobody cries at a funeral because the world will be missing out on another pretty face. They cry because the world is missing another heart, another soul, another person. Don’t wait until it’s too late to focus on what will actually matter: creating something that lasts far beyond your body.
Brianna Wiest

Sometimes, you get what you want. Other times, you get a lesson in patience, timing, alignment, empathy, compassion, faith, perseverance, resilience, purpose, clarity, grief, beauty, and life. Either way, you win.
Brianna Wiest

All you will regret is not reaching harder for the things you actually wanted while they were still in front of you.
Brianna Wiest
Brief Analysis
Life is full of choices; some are so difficult that we end up regretting them later.
This Brianna Weist quote on life reminds us to try our hardest to achieve what we want in life because if we don’t, we may regret it in the future.
And while it’s not always easy to know what we want, it can be even harder to go for it. Despite these challenges, it’s the effort and courage to chase our dreams that bring fulfillment to life.
So. don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and go after what you want. Life is too short to live with regrets.

One day, you will look back day on this time, and all you will see is magic.
Brianna Wiest

The danger is real. Heartache is real. Fear is not. It’s a story we tell ourselves.
Brianna Wiest

The point of anything is not what you get from having done it; it’s who you become from having gone through it.
Brianna Wiest

Accomplishing goals is not success. How much you expand in the process is.
Brianna Wiest
Brief Analysis
Chasing a goal isn’t just about the end result. It’s also about the journey and how we grow along the way.
In search of our dreams, we often think success is about checking things off our list. However, real success lies in learning as well as changing.
This view makes our failures and setbacks valuable too. They’re not just obstacles but chances to become stronger and wiser.
In the end, as these words by Brianna Wiest about success tell us, it’s the growth we experience that defines our success. Our achievements are just the icing on the cake of our personal development journey.

Everything that is meant for you will feel like a deep exhale, as though you are returning home to a place you forgot existed.
Brianna Wiest

Another person’s progress is an affirmation of what’s possible, not a reason to doubt your own. The people you envy are not your competition; they are your mentors.
Brianna Wiest

If you take the first step today, you have already changed your life. If you are willing to see your life change, it is already different.
Brianna Wiest

Worrying will not do anything but make us feel worse than we already do.
Brianna Wiest
Brief Analysis
It goes without saying but worrying doesn’t really solve anything. It just makes us feel worse, like adding extra weight to our already heavy load.
Our minds are often consumed by ‘what if’ scenarios that lead nowhere. This endless loop of worry drains our energy.
The key is to shift our focus from worrying to solving. Because we are closer to solutions when we act rather than worry.
Let’s try to break free from the worry cycle and live a happier and more fulfilling life, as this Brianna Wiest quote suggests.
Also Read: 60 Morgan Harper Nichols Quotes on Love, Life, Hope, the Highs & Lows & Kindness

Be willing to see the impossible change. Consider things you never have before. Blow the lid off your life.
Brianna Wiest

It is terrifying to pursue your dreams, pour your heart into your work, love with everything you’ve got, be vulnerable, risk it all, live outside the lines, and find peace without having every answer. It is far more terrifying not to.
Brianna Wiest

What if you’ve already received everything you’ve ever wanted, but you’ve been so focused ahead that you haven’t even noticed?
Brianna Wiest

You are doing better than you think you are.
Brianna Wiest
Brief Analysis
Have you ever felt like you’re not doing as well as you could be? Like you’re falling behind or not making enough progress? Well, you’re probably wrong, and here’s why…
We often underestimate our own accomplishments and progress. And instead of recognizing them, we focus on our faults and failures.
The truth is that we are doing better than we think. Because we are constantly learning and growing, even if we don’t always notice it.
So, next time you’re feeling down on yourself, remember this quote from Brianna Weist and take a moment to reflect on all the things you’re doing well.

Healing is not fixing. It is just the process of remembering that everything was always okay.
Brianna Wiest

Life is not a series of problems to be solved; it’s a journey that you should be fascinated by.
Brianna Wiest
12 Brianna Wiest Love Quotes

Everything heals and grows when it is loved well. People, too.
Brianna Wiest
Brief Analysis
Love has a unique power to heal and help us grow, much like sunlight and water do for plants.
When we’re surrounded by love, we feel safe, valued, and supported. This sense of belonging helps us grow and become better versions of ourselves.
Therefore, this Brianna Wiest love quote is a beautiful reminder that love isn’t just about romantic relationships. It’s also about the small acts of kindness and care we show each other daily.
So, let’s spread the love around us. It’s one of the most powerful things we can do to make the world a better place.
Also Read: 34 Best Colleen Hoover Quotes on Life & Love

You were taught that love is supposed to be patient and kind and not something that challenges you, changes you, and makes you who you are.
Brianna Wiest

Everything that is truly right for you will make you feel at peace.
Brianna Wiest

Love someone because their soul inspires you, not because you’re interested in the relief from loneliness and companionship they can provide. Anybody can do that. Not just anybody can show you to yourself.
Brianna Wiest

Love is soul work.
Brianna Wiest
Love can be met and joined with attraction and infatuation and all of that, but love will not fade when those things do.
Brief Analysis
Love isn’t just about the butterflies or the rush of excitement we feel at the beginning. It’s about something deeper, something that touches our souls.
Sure, attraction and obsession can start the journey, but they are only like the spark that ignites the fire, not the fuel that keeps it going.
This love quote by Brianna Weist tells us that true love lasts long, even after the initial attraction has faded. It involves learning about one another and connecting on a deeper level.
In short, love is about the bond that remains when everything else settles.

You are enough for the hearts that are meant to love you. You are enough for the life that is meant to be yours.
Brianna Wiest

When we think other people love us, we give ourselves permission to feel love.
Brianna Wiest

Decide you’re deserving of real friendship, true commitment, and complete love with people who are healthy and thriving, and watch how quickly everything begins to change.
Brianna Wiest

If you think love is something that exists anywhere but within your own mind and heart, you will never have it.
Brianna Wiest
Brief Analysis
Imagine love as a garden. If we want it to flourish, we must take good care of it and develop it within ourselves.
This means accepting and loving ourselves for who we are. And being kind and compassionate to ourselves despite our flaws.
Once we have a strong foundation of self-love, we can start to share it with others. We can build loving relationships with family, friends, and partners.
All in all, love is not something we find outside of ourselves. It’s something we cultivate within ourselves and then share with others.

The right partner makes your life take off, not settle down. The right partner doesn’t change you – you change yourself when you feel free enough to be loved for who you really are.
Brianna Wiest

Your soulmate is really this:
Brianna Wiest
the person who brings out your inner child. The person who makes you feel so truly safe that the kid inside you can come out.

Maybe part of the reason that love becomes such a volatile force in our lives when it’s supposed to be so still and beautiful is that we keep reaching for that forever love.
Brianna Wiest
11 Brianna Wiest Quotes on Happiness

Happy people know suffering more than anyone else, and that’s how they can see just how damn beautiful their lives are. It’s because they’ve seen the depths.
Brianna Wiest
Brief Analysis
The happiest among us have not been free of pain; instead, they have felt it deeply. This makes their joy much greater.
When we’ve seen tough times, the good days shine brighter. It’s the contrast between dark and light that helps us see beauty in life.
Having experienced pain, we learn to appreciate happiness more. After all, our struggles enlighten us to enjoy the simple things that make our lives so wonderful.
Ultimately, it’s not just the absence of sorrow that defines happiness. It’s the journey from the depths of hardship to the heights of joy that truly enriches our lives, as this Brianna Wiest quote about happiness says.
Also Read: 17 Best Quotes from 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think Book

The key to finding happiness in this life is realizing that the only way to overcome is to transcend, to find happiness in the simple pleasures, to master the art of just being.
Brianna Wiest

Happiness is not thinking you earn a world’s approval but waking up each day and feeling so at peace in your own skin, quietly anticipating the day ahead, unconcerned with how you are perceived.
Brianna Wiest

Happiness is not finding success by a certain time but finding something you love so much time itself seems to disappear.
Brianna Wiest

One day, you will realize that happiness is not what your house looks like but how you love the people within its walls.
Brianna Wiest
Brief Analysis
Our true joy comes from how we love and care for those who live with us.
After all, it’s not the fancy furniture or the latest gadgets that make a home. It’s the laughter, the shared meals, and the shoulder to cry on that truly matter.
We often forget that the heart of a home is its people, not its decor. The memories we create with our loved ones are what we’ll cherish forever.
All in all, as this quote about happiness by Brianna Wiest shows, it’s the love within the walls, not the walls themselves, that makes a house a home. This is where true happiness lies: in the warmth of our relationships.

Happiness is not how many things you do but how well you do them. More is not better.
Brianna Wiest

Happiness is not something that comes to you when every problem is solved, and all things are perfectly in place, but in the shining silver linings that remind us the light of day is always there if we slow down enough to notice.
Brianna Wiest

Most people prioritize being liked over being happy. Likability is very much about how you fit into someone else’s projection of themselves, so being disliked is somewhat inevitable. Choose your happiness.
Brianna Wiest

Happiness is not having the best of everything but the ability to make the best of anything.
Brianna Wiest
Brief Analysis
Happiness isn’t about having everything perfect in our lives. Instead, it’s about seeing the beauty in the imperfections and making the most of what we have.
Imagine you’re camping, and it starts raining. Your tent leaks and everything gets wet. The beauty of nature is all around you, so instead of getting upset, you can build a fire, tell stories, and enjoy it.
Hence, the ability to find happiness in challenges is what makes us strong. It’s okay to feel negative emotions, but you shouldn’t let them control you.
So, whenever you feel down, remember this Brianna Weist saying and take a moment to appreciate the good things in your life since happiness is a journey, not a destination.

Stop searching for happiness in the same place you lost it. Change is not dismantling the old, it’s building the new.
Brianna Wiest

Happy people are not people who ‘feel good’ all the time; they are the people who are able to be guided by their negative emotions rather than paralyzed by them.
Brianna Wiest
7 Brianna Wiest Quotes on Self Care

People will come and go as they are scheduled to. Let them. Holding on does not affect them, only you.
Brianna Wiest
Brief Analysis
As life goes on, people come and go, almost as if they follow a schedule we can’t see. We meet people, connect, and sometimes, they move on.
Holding on to someone who’s supposed to leave is like trying to catch water. It doesn’t change their path; it only drains us.
And in this Brianna Weist quote about self care, we learn that letting go isn’t a loss but a part of growing. It’s about accepting life’s changes and learning to be at peace with them.
As we learn to release and move forward, each goodbye teaches us something new about ourselves. It is these lessons that help us grow and find new paths to happiness.

The deepest form of self-care is building a life you are in love with, and that is very often an unbeautiful thing.
Brianna Wiest

The greatest act of self-love is to no longer accept a life you are unhappy with.
Brianna Wiest

True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake; it is making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from.
Brianna Wiest

You have to become the kind of person who deserves the life you want.
Brianna Wiest
Brief Analysis
If we want the life we dream of, it’s not enough to just want it. We need to grow into the person who can achieve it.
It’s like looking in a mirror and asking, “Am I who I need to be for this life I desire?” If we’re not, it’s time to start working on ourselves.
In other words, we need to develop qualities aligned with our goals. For example, if we want love and respect, we must be loving and respectful.
In the end, our dreams are like puzzles, and we are critical pieces in the picture. By shaping ourselves into the right pieces, we can create the life we wish for.

You will never regret working on yourself. You will never regret investing in your future. You will never regret trying to understand someone. You will never regret being resourceful, exercising, or meditating. Spend more time doing the things you know you won’t regret.
Brianna Wiest

Let go of the expectation that if you work on yourself enough, you won’t struggle anymore. If you work on yourself enough, you’ll understand what the struggle is for.
Brianna Wiest
4 Salt Water Brianna Wiest Quotes

Live so that death has nothing to steal.
Brianna Wiest
Brief Analysis
In this Brianna Weist from the book Salt Water, she urges us to make the most of our time and live a life so full that death can not take anything from us.
This means we have to live a purposeful life. Having a sense of purpose in life enables us to follow our passions, connect with loved ones, and impact the world positively.
When we live this way, we create a legacy of love, connection, and impact. We leave behind a story worth telling, one that inspires others to live their lives to the fullest.
So, let’s not wait for tomorrow and start living today with purpose and passion.
Also Read: 26 Lalah Delia Quotes on Self Care, Healing & Higher Consciousness

I thought becoming myself was improving each part piece by piece. But it was finding a hidden wholeness, seeing the fractures as the design.
Brianna Wiest

The things we lose are not losses. They are entryways. They are the world saying, sometimes sharply, there is something else out there.
Brianna Wiest

But can I tell you that what I had been looking for all that time was me?
Brianna Wiest
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