18 All Along You Were Blooming Quotes by Morgan Harper Nichols


All Along You Were Blooming by Morgan Harper Nichols is a combination of poetry, prose, and illustrations about hope, grace, and the healing power of love.

Morgan H. Nichols invites readers to embrace the abundant grace surrounding us all and discover our purpose within each season of life and live fully in the present moment, regardless of our circumstances.

In a nutshell, the quotes from All Along You Were Blooming are all about embracing the journey of becoming, breathing, stumbling, and simply being that we often overlook in our busy lives.

So, in this blog post, I’ve shared 18 best All Along You Were Blooming quotes by Morgan Harper Nichols along with an analysis of some of them. So, let’s dive in.

18 All Along You Were Blooming Book Quotes

Choosing to have joy is not naively thinking everything will be easy.

Choosing to have joy is not naively thinking everything will be easy. It is courageously believing that there is still hope, even when things get hard.

Morgan Harper Nichols
The days are not going to look the same from this day forward but you will move forward for through all you have endured you have blossomed

The days are not going to look the same from this day forward, but you will move forward, for through all you have endured, you have blossomed. Which was possible only by the rain.

Morgan Harper Nichols
She was walking home in pieces but she realized even though she was broken she was still walking

She was walking home in pieces, but she realized even though she was broken, she was still walking home. She was still headed where she needed to be.

Morgan Harper Nichols
While we are trying to make sense of things may we learn to make peace with things

While we are trying to make sense of things, may we learn to make peace with things.

Morgan Harper Nichols

Brief Analysis

We’re always looking for the reasons and meanings of life’s events. And forget to be at peace with how things are.

But sometimes, things just don’t make sense, and that’s okay. Accepting this can be as important as understanding why things happen the way they do.

In other words, a balance between curiosity and acceptance can help us handle the uncertainties of life with grace.

Ultimately, this mindset can lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling life, as this Morgan Harper Nichols All Along You Were Blooming quote suggests.

Also Read: 55 Morgan Harper Nichols Quotes on Love, Life, Hope, the Highs & Lows & Kindness

Even though you have learned the skill of running on empty now is the time to learn the art of breathing deep all over again

Even though you have learned the skill of running on empty, now is the time to learn the art of breathing deep all over again.

Morgan Harper Nichols
Living in the moment is learning how to live between the big moments. It is learning how to make the most of the in betweens and having

Living in the moment is learning how to live between the big moments. It is learning how to make the most of the in-betweens and having the audacity to make those moments just as exciting.

Morgan Harper Nichols
You may not have chosen your surroundings but you can choose to find life in them 1

You may not have chosen your surroundings, but you can choose to find life in them.

Morgan Harper Nichols
She no longer had the desire to bend herself into the frame of photographs where she was unwelcome

She no longer had the desire to bend herself into the frame of photographs where she was unwelcome.

Morgan Harper Nichols

Brief Analysis

Imagine trying to fit into a picture frame that’s too small for us. It’s uncomfortable, and we’re not showing our true self.

This Morgan Harper Nichols saying beautifully tells us that we shouldn’t have to change ourselves to fit someone else’s expectations.

It’s important to be true to ourselves, even if it means letting go of relationships or situations that don’t value us for who we are.

So, let these words encourage us to embrace our true selves and find people who appreciate us for who we are.

Further Reading: What is Self-Worth & How Do We Build it?

Love is as vast as the ocean and were always only swimming on the surface of its greatness

Love is as vast as the ocean, and we’re always only swimming on the surface of its greatness.

Morgan Harper Nichols
It wasnt until she reached the shore that she realized she was meant for water

It wasn’t until she reached the shore that she realized she was meant for water.

Morgan Harper Nichols
And maybe not everyone will have time for me And maybe there will be people who feel

And maybe not everyone
will have time for me,
And maybe there will be people
who feel I am too much,
But I have learned that I am
still worthy of Love,
and that is more than enough.

Morgan Harper Nichols
Never let anyone who cannot bear your pain make you feel you are unbearable. Not everyone

Never let anyone who cannot bear your pain make you feel you are unbearable. Not everyone is capable of walking with you, but that does not mean you are not worthy of belonging.

Morgan Harper Nichols

Brief Analysis

Not everyone you meet will be prepared to handle your pain. Some people might not have the empathy or understanding to truly comprehend what you’re going through. And that’s okay. It doesn’t diminish your worth or make your pain any less valid. 

Think of it like this: if you’re carrying a heavy load, you wouldn’t ask someone who’s already struggling under their own burden to help you carry yours. It’s not because your load is unimportant or unworthy, but because they simply might not have the capacity to help you bear it.

So, when someone dismisses your pain or makes you feel like you’re too much to handle, remember this: it’s not a reflection of your worthiness. It’s a reflection of their limitations. Not everyone is meant to walk beside you through every step of your journey, and that’s okay.

You are worthy of love, understanding, and support, even if not everyone is capable of providing it. And remember, your worthiness isn’t determined by the limitations of others. You are enough, just as you are.

Also Read: 26 Best Atomic Habits Quotes (Book by James Clear)

But no matter who stays or who walked away remember all the things they taught you

But no matter who stays
or who walked away,
remember all the things
they taught you.

Morgan Harper Nichols
no matter how dark the night in the morning Light pours through filling every corner of the room

No matter how dark the night,
in the morning, Light pours through,
filling every corner of the room.

Morgan Harper Nichols
You are free to move around the room to paint the walls a new color and declare there is more to you

You are free to move around the room, to paint the walls a new color, and declare there is more to you.

Morgan Harper Nichols
I do not have to be strong all the time. I am not a burden because I have burdens and because

I do not have to be strong all the time. I am not a burden because I have burdens, and because there is a lot on my mind. And maybe not everyone will have time for me, and maybe there will be people who feel I am too much, but I have learned that I am still worthy of Love, and that is more than enough.

Morgan Harper Nichols

Brief Analysis

We’re often told we have to be strong all the time like we’re supposed to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders without ever letting it show. But let’s be real here – that’s just not sustainable. We’re human, after all, not superheroes.

So, when this quote from All Along You Were Blooming Book says “I do not have to be strong all the time,” it’s like giving yourself permission to set down that heavy load for a while and just breathe. Because it’s okay to admit that sometimes life gets tough and you need a little help carrying the weight.

At the end of the day, we all have our own struggles, our own worries, our own battles to fight. It’s what makes us human. We are still worthy of love, no matter how many times we stumble and fall, we are still deserving of love and compassion.

So yeah, maybe we don’t have to be strong all the time. Maybe it’s okay to let our guard down, to show our vulnerability, to ask for help when we need it. Because in the end, knowing that you are worthy of love, just as you are, well, that’s more than enough. It’s everything.

Also Read: 19 Daring Greatly Quotes by Brene Brown

In a world that often seems too crowded or busy to notice beautiful things or make meaningful connections

In a world that often seems too crowded or busy to notice beautiful things or make meaningful connections, there is still room for each of us to grow in the ways we were meant to.

Morgan Harper Nichols
You may not have chosen your surroundings but you can choose to find life in them

You may not have chosen your surroundings, but you can choose to find life in them.

Morgan Harper Nichols

Read ‘All Along You Were Blooming’

All Along You Were Blooming

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I'm a former writer with a bachelor's degree in English literature. I’ve always believed that words are a powerful medium for personal growth and transformation.

That’s why I founded Art of Poets on Instagram back in 2018 to share meaningful, motivational words with others. Today, it inspires a community of over 2.4 Million readers on Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and this website which I launched in March 2023.

While I choose to remain anonymous, my passion for sharing inspiring quotes and blog posts on personal growth will always be fueled by the belief that words can truly transform our lives.