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David Goggins (b. 1975) is an American ultra-endurance athlete, former U.S. Navy SEAL, and motivational speaker. The man defies all limitations. He has completed some of the world’s toughest endurance challenges, including a 24-hour race in which he ran 135 miles.
He is also the author of the bestselling book ‘Can’t Hurt Me’. Goggins travels the world, sharing his story and spreading the message of never giving up on ourselves.
The backstory of Goggins’ success despite adversity and pain is what truly sets him apart. Growing up, he faced racism, abuse, and poverty in a tough neighborhood. But in a matter of the next few years, David Goggins became a world-class athlete and one of the most inspiring people today for his discipline and extreme endurance.
In this blog post, I’ve shared 99 motivational quotes by David Goggins on discipline, success, suffering, accountability, mental toughness, and comfort zone while analyzing some of them. So, let’s begin…
30 David Goggins Motivational Quotes

You will never in life meet a hater doing better than you.
David Goggins

Who’s gonna carry the boats and the logs?
David Goggins

That’s one reason I invented the Cookie Jar.
David Goggins
We must create a system that constantly reminds us who the fuck we are when we are at our best, because life is not going to pick us up when we fall. There will be forks in the road, knives in your fucking back, mountains to climb, and we are only capable of living up to the image we create for ourselves. Prepare yourself!

You are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft that you will die without ever realizing your true potential.
David Goggins – ‘Can’t Hurt Me’
Brief Analysis
This is one of the best David Goggins quotes. You see, comfort is a powerful enticer. It numbs us into a false sense of security, whispering sweet nothings in our ears and promising us an easy life. But in reality, comfort actually holds us back from ever realizing our true potential.
But why do we fall into this trap so easily? Perhaps it is because we fear the unknown, the uncertain, the uncomfortable. The worst part is that as humans, we have been told from our childhood that we should not have to struggle or suffer to achieve our goals, which is highly unrealistic.
While comfort is sometimes necessary, it is the greatest enemy of greatness.
So, let this David Goggins motivational quote be a reminder that we must embrace discomfort, face our fears, and push ourselves to our limits. We should always remember that the only thing standing between us and greatness is our own fear of discomfort.
Also Read: 72 Andrew Tate Quotes on Motivation, Women, Money, Masculinity, Discipline & Success

They don’t know me son!
David Goggins

The other side of quitting is a lifetime of regret.
David Goggins

Put yourself in situations that suck. You’ll find yourself real quick.
David Goggins

The most important conversations you’ll ever have are the ones you’ll have with yourself.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
Here’s a question: How often do we listen to our inner voice? How often do we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings?
We’re so caught up in the busyness of our lives, the distractions of our devices, and the opinions of others, that we forget to tune in to our own inner wisdom.
But when we do take the time to examine these conversations with ourselves, we can uncover our deepest desires, our true passions, and our authentic selves. We can tap into a source of strength and resilience that we never knew we had.
And as this inspirational David Goggins quote indicates, by indulging in these conversations, we essentially take control of our lives. We’re no longer passive observers, we become active participants, shaping our own destinies and creating our own meaning.

David Goggins

A lot of us when we have bad times even life, even the hardest person in the world, we forget how badass we are during that hard time.
David Goggins

Everyone fails sometimes and life isn’t supposed to be fair, much less bend to your every whim.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
Life is a rollercoaster ride that never ceases to amaze us with its twists and turns. It does not exist to satisfy our every desire. It is a test, a journey that we must undertake with resilience, courage, and fortitude.
Failure is an opportunity to grow, learn, and improve, to identify our weaknesses, and develop new strategies for success.
Life is also not supposed to be fair, as this famous David Goggins quote says. We cannot control the circumstances we are born into and the challenges we face, but we can control how we respond to them.
We can either choose to be victims of fate or we can choose to take ownership of our lives and face our fears with courage.

People consuming self-help information look for magic words to change them. There aren’t any magic words. There is only your tolerance to suffering.
David Goggins

We can’t rely on others to get us to where we need to be.
David Goggins

You cannot be afraid to disappoint people. You have to live the life you want to live.
David Goggins

You must recognize what you are about to do, highlight what you do not like about it, and spend time visualizing each and every obstacle you can.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
Let’s break this David Goggins short quote down:
First, you must recognize what you are about to do. Many of us go through our days on autopilot, not really thinking about what or why we’re doing it. Take a moment to consciously recognize what you’re about to do.
Next, highlight what you do not like about it. By identifying what you don’t like about a particular task, you can begin to confront those feelings head-on. Acknowledging what you dislike allows you to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally.
Finally, spend time visualizing each obstacle you can. It may not be the most pleasant task, but it is vital to be prepared. By envisioning the obstacles that could arise, you can develop strategies for overcoming them.
Also Read: 43 Jocko Willink Quotes on Discipline, Leadership, Life, Ownership & Teamwork

There are 86,400 seconds in a day. Losing just one of those seconds can change the outcome of your day and, potentially, your life.
David Goggins

It’s time to go to war with yourself.
David Goggins

Motivation is crap. Motivation comes and goes.
David Goggins
When you’re driven, whatever is in front of you will get destroyed.

It may be satisfactory,
David Goggins
but that’s another word for mediocrity.
Brief Analysis
It’s easy to settle for a satisfactory life and coast along in the comfort of familiarity. But according to this quote from David Goggins, why would anyone want to settle for mediocrity when there is so much more out there to achieve?
Note that Goggins is not just repeating motivational clichés. He’s speaking from experience. He knows that true growth and success come from pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone and striving for excellence.
Most of us just tend to get comfortable and settle for what’s “good enough” instead of striving for greatness.
But the more you push yourself past your limits, the more possibilities you discover, realizing you’re capable of so much more than you ever imagined, as this David Goggins mediocrity quote tells us.

Be uncommon amongst uncommon people.
David Goggins

Most people who are criticizing and judging haven’t even tried what you failed at.
David Goggins

When you look in the mirror, that’s the one person you cannot lie to.
David Goggins

There is no more time to waste.
David Goggins
Hours and days evaporate like creeks in the desert. That’s why it’s okay to be cruel to yourself as long as you realize you’re doing it to become better.
Brief Analysis
Tick-tock, tick-tock. The clock is ticking, and time waits for no one. It’s an unstoppable force that relentlessly marches forward, without a care for our hopes, dreams, or fears. Yet, we treat time as if it’s an endless resource, wasting it on meaningless pursuits and distractions.
That’s why it’s okay to be cruel to ourselves. It sounds harsh, but it’s the truth. We must push ourselves beyond our limits, and challenge ourselves to be better, and stronger. It’s not about being perfect, but about constantly striving to improve.
But don’t get me wrong – It’s not about inflicting pain for the sake of it. It’s about recognizing that we’re capable of so much more than we think and that the only way to unleash our full potential is by being willing to suffer, sacrifice, and push through the pain.
So, as this David Goggins quote about suffering says, be cruel to yourself, but do it with a purpose. Use it as a tool to embrace the challenge, and know that every moment of suffering is a step towards greatness.

I don’t stop when I’m tired.
David Goggins
I stop when I’m done.

You can tolerate doubt as a backseat driver, but if you put doubt in the pilot’s seat, defeat is guaranteed.
David Goggins

The hard part is getting to that point, because the ticket to victory often comes down to bringing your very best when you feel your worst.
David Goggins

The hero is you.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
Imagine for a moment that you are standing at the starting line of a race. The sun is beating down on your skin, the air is thick with the sound of nervous chatter and the smell of sweat. You look around and see your competitors.
As you take a deep breath and prepare to start running, you hear a voice in your head. It’s not the voice of a coach or a friend, though – it’s your own voice. And it’s saying something that you’ve never really thought about before: “The hero is you.”
At first, you might dismiss this idea as nothing more than a cheesy motivational quote. But as you start running, you feel a sense of power and purpose that you’ve never felt before. You realize that you are the hero of your own story and that everything you do – every step you take, every breath you breathe – is a testament to that.
So, as this David Goggins inspirational quote conveys, it’s not about winning the race or being the best, it’s about realizing that you are the hero of your own story and that nothing can stop you from achieving greatness. So go ahead and take that first step.

When you make excuses, you’re running from the truth.
David Goggins

David Goggins
22 David Goggins Quotes on Success

The ticket to victory often comes down to bringing your very best when you feel your worst.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
When you’re at your worst, when everything seems to be going wrong, that’s when you need to bring your very best.
Think about it – when you’re feeling your best, it’s easy to do what’s expected of you.
But as this quote about success by David Goggins shows, when you’re feeling your worst, that’s when you have to dig deep and find that extra bit of strength within yourself.
In those moments, you’ll be surprised by what you’re capable of.
Also Read: 100 James Clear Quotes on Habits, Systems, Goals & Change (Atomic Habits Quotes)

You can’t read a book to get through hell. You have to face your hell and climb out.
David Goggins

Become a man who detests mediocrity.
David Goggins

It’s so easy to be great these days, because everyone else is so weak.
David Goggins

Most of us sweep our failures and evil secrets under the rug, but when we run into problems, that rug gets lifted up, and our darkness re-emerges, floods our soul, and influences the decisions which determine our character.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
Failures and mistakes are easy to ignore. We want to forget them, move on and start anew. But the truth is that burying our past doesn’t make it disappear.
Instead, it lurks beneath the surface, waiting for an opportunity to show its ugly face. And when it does, it can be a harsh reminder of our shortcomings and weaknesses.
The truth is that we can’t escape our past. We can’t run from our failures or erase our mistakes. But we can learn from them to grow and evolve. When we face our demons head-on, we give ourselves the chance to confront our flaws and make amends where necessary.
So, as this David Goggins saying says, use your failures to become the person you want to be. Because when you do, your darkness will no longer control you, you will control it, and that’s a powerful thing.

Even if you are hurting, never let your competition see the look of defeat or even vulnerability on your face.
David Goggins

If you want to get better, do the things that no-one else wants to do.
David Goggins

I was the sum total of the obstacles I’d overcome.
David Goggins

My mother was my biggest fan.
David Goggins
Whenever I failed in life she was always asking me when and where I would go after it again.
She never said,
“Well, maybe it isn’t meant to be.”
Brief Analysis
As I reflect on the quote by David Goggins, I can’t help but think about the immense power of a supportive figure in our lives.
Someone who believes in us when we don’t even believe in ourselves.
In a world where failure is often seen as a sign of weakness, we often begin to wonder if we were ever meant to succeed. But a true supporter, especially if she’s your mother, never allows us to believe that failure is the end of the road.
Instead, they remind us that failure is simply a detour on the journey toward success.

From the time you take your first breath, you become eligible to die. You also become eligible to find your greatness and become the one warrior.
David Goggins

Seeds burst from the inside out in a self-destructive ritual of new life.
David Goggins

Failure is an option.
David Goggins

In every failure, there is something to be gained, even if it’s only practice for the next test you’ll have to take. Because that next test is coming. That’s a guarantee.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
Every failure provides an opportunity for growth and development.
Even if we don’t achieve the desired outcome, we can learn from our mistakes, identify areas for improvement, and try again.
Every failure is a chance to get closer to our goals and aspirations. It’s easy to get discouraged when things don’t go as planned, but this David Goggins phrase challenges us to look at failures as practice for the next test we’ll have to take.
So, the next time you experience a setback or failure, focus on what you can learn from the experience and remember, in every failure, there is something to be gained.

Heraclitus, a philosopher born in the Persian Empire back in the fifth century BC, had it right when he wrote about men on the battlefield. “Out of every one hundred men,” he wrote, “ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior.
David Goggins

It’s possible to transcend anything that doesn’t kill you.
David Goggins – ‘Can’t Hurt Me’

The path to success will leave you callused, bruised, and very tired. It will also leave you empowered.
David Goggins

We live in a world with a lot of insecure, jealous people. Some of them are our best friends. They are blood relatives. Failure terrifies them. So does our success. Because when we transcend what we once thought possible, push our limits, and become more, our light reflects off all the walls they’ve built up around them. Your light enables them to see the contours of their own prison, their own self-limitations. But if they are truly the great people you always believed them to be, their jealousy will evolve, and soon their imagination might hop its fence, and it will be their turn to change for the better.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
It’s not uncommon to encounter people unwilling to support your growth or celebrate your achievements.
They may be your closest friends or even your own flesh and blood. They fear failure, and they fear your success even more because it exposes their limitations and the walls they’ve built up around themselves.
But what happens when you continue to push your boundaries, your light shines brighter, illuminating the dark corners of their minds and highlighting their self-imposed limitations, as this David Goggins quote on success shows.
Suddenly, they’re forced to confront their fears and question their own beliefs. Your success encourages them to break free from their self-imposed limitations and strive for something more.

The only reason why I became successful was because I went towards the truth. As painful and as brutal as it is, it changed me. It allowed me, in my own right, to become the person who I am today.
David Goggins

Self-talk and visualization are the two keys to my success.
David Goggins

I thought I’d solved a problem when really I was creating new ones by taking the path of least resistance.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
In a world that values instant gratification and convenience, taking the easiest path is easy. We want the quick fix, the easy way out, the shortcut to success. But taking the path of least resistance can create more problems than it solves.
When we take the easiest route, we do so at the expense of our long-term success and well-being. We may avoid discomfort and pain at the moment, but we’re setting ourselves up for greater discomfort and pain in the future.
For example, let’s say you’re trying to lose weight. You could take the path of least resistance by going on a crash diet that promises quick results. But this approach is unlikely to lead to long-term success. Instead, try to make gradual changes to your diet and exercise routine so you build a foundation for lasting wellness.
So, don’t be afraid to take the harder path. It may be difficult, but it will be worth it in the end.

You are giving up instead of getting hard!
David Goggins
Tell the truth about the real reasons for your limitations and you will turn that negativity, which is real, into jet fuel. Those odds stacked against you will become a damn runway!
12 David Goggins Quotes on Discipline

It’s a lot more than mind over matter. It takes relentless self-discipline to schedule suffering into your day, every day.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
Whether it’s physical pain, emotional distress, or mental exhaustion, suffering is something we tend to avoid. We seek comfort, pleasure, and ease, and we try to minimize anything that makes us uncomfortable or uneasy.
But this approach is flawed. We should often intentionally put ourselves in challenging situations and embrace the pain and discomfort that come with it.
It is not just a way to improve physical performance but a way to build mental toughness and resilience.
By willingly subjecting ourselves to suffering, we train our mind and body to adapt to adversity and overcome obstacles, which Goggins sees as a teacher, a mentor, and a friend, not as an enemy to be avoided.
Also Read: Discipline Over Motivation: Why Discipline Beats Motivation & How You Can Develop It

The only way we can change is to be real with ourselves.
David Goggins

A true leader stays exhausted, abhors arrogance, and never looks down on the weakest link. He fights for his men and leads by example.
David Goggins

If you have any mental toughness, if you have any fraction of self-discipline; The ability to not want to do it, but still do it; If you can get through to doing things that you hate to do: on the other side is greatness.
David Goggins

A lot of us surround ourselves with people who speak to our desire for comfort. People who would rather treat the pain of our wounds and prevent further injury than help us callous over them and try again. We need to surround ourselves with people who will tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear, but at the same time not make us feel we’re up against the impossible.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
Many of us have heard the adage, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” But how often do we really think about the implications of this statement?
This David Goggins quote on discipline admits it is tempting to choose people who make us feel good at the moment and validate our fears and insecurities. But we need to seek out people who will tell us the truth, even when it’s hard to hear.
People who will push us to be better, even when we want to give up. People who will help us build a callous over our wounds, not just treat them with band-aids.
In short, we need to be intentional about the company we keep. It is important to seek out people who will help us grow, even when it’s uncomfortable. We need to be willing to hear hard truths and to work through the discomfort that comes with growth.

We believe that we are far from our perfect selves. Truth be told, you are only a few rough edges away. Once you polish off those edges, the masterpiece is unveiled. You must believe that you are a work of art in order to be able to imagine it and therefore create it!
David Goggins

It’s going to be hard work, discipline, and the non-cognitive skills – hard work, dedication, sacrifice – that will set you apart.
David Goggins

When you think that you are done, you’re only 40% in to what your body’s capable of doing. That’s just the limits that we put on ourselves.
David Goggins – ‘Can’t Hurt Me’

No one is going to come help you.
David Goggins
No one’s coming to save you.
Brief Analysis
You can’t rely on anyone else to get you through life’s challenges. You have to do it yourself.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of waiting for someone else to come and save us but this kind of thinking is passive. It puts us at the mercy of others, and it robs us of our agency.
That’s why we need to step up and make things happen. We need to take responsibility for our own happiness and success.
So, let’s take these words by David Goggins as a reminder that we just need to be brave enough to take the first step, and the rest will happen as we move forward.

High achievement doesn’t require inborn talent. It requires working your ass off. Period.
David Goggins

Nobody cares what you did yesterday. What have you done today to better yourself?
David Goggins

In the military we always say we don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.
David Goggins
8 David Goggins Quotes Comfort Zone

Denial is the ultimate comfort zone.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
What happens when you stay in this comfort zone for too long? Well, you become like a plant kept in a pot for too long – stunted, and unable to grow.
This is what David Goggins quote on comfort zone means when he says that denial is the ultimate comfort zone.
When we refuse to acknowledge our problems and face our fears, we’re choosing to stay in a cozy bubble where nothing can hurt us. But just like that plant, we’re also limiting our growth and potential.
So, next time you feel too comfortable, remember to step outside of that zone and face your fears. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.

Comfort zones:
David Goggins
If you live in one too long, that becomes your norm. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

It’s funny, humans tend to hatch our most challenging goals and dreams, the ones that demand our greatest effort yet promise absolutely nothing when we are tucked into our comfort zones.
David Goggins

Every minute you spend feeling sorry for yourself is another minute not getting better, another morning you miss at the gym, another evening wasted without studying. Another day burned when you didn’t make any progress toward your dreams, ambitions, and deepest desires. The ones you’ve had in your head and heart your entire life.
David Goggins

I understand the temptation to sell short, but I also know that impulse is driven by your mind’s desire for comfort, and it’s not telling you the truth.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
We all have moments when we feel overwhelmed, when we want nothing more than to retreat to the safety and comfort of the familiar.
But that’s when we sell ourselves short. We miss out on the chance to grow, learn, overcome obstacles and achieve greatness.
Making your way to greatness isn’t easy. It requires unwavering dedication, sacrifice, and discipline.
When you push past your limits, you discover a sense of purpose and meaning that is hard to find anywhere else.

No one is going to help you. It’s you against yourself forever.
David Goggins – ‘Can’t Hurt Me’

Analyze your schedule,
David Goggins
kill your empty habits,
burn out the bullshit,
and see what’s left.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
David Goggins
12 David Goggins Quotes On Mental Toughness

If you want to master the mind and remove your governor, you’ll have to become addicted to hard work. Because passion and obsession, even talent, are only useful tools if you have the work ethic to back them up.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
Passion and talent are only starting points for those who aspire to greatness. To truly excel beyond others, you must be willing to put in consistent hard work and push yourself beyond your limits.
But what does it mean to be addicted to hard work? It’s all about developing a mindset that values hard work above all else. It’s about recognizing that success is not handed out freely, but must be earned through sweat and toil.
Remember, it’s not talent or passion that separates the great from the mediocre. It’s the willingness to be diligent, stay focused, and never give up.
So what are you waiting for? Lace-up your shoes, roll up your sleeves, and get to work. The world is waiting for you.

You’re gonna fail, you’re gonna be in your head, and you’re gonna be saying I’m not good enough. It’s about how you overcome that.
David Goggins

If you want to be one of the few to defy those trends in our ever-softening society, you will have to be willing to go to war with yourself and create a whole new identity, which requires an open mind.
David Goggins

Mental toughness is a lifestyle.
David Goggins

Your entitled mind is dead weight. Cut it loose.
David Goggins
Don’t focus on what you think you deserve. Take aim on what you are willing to earn!
Brief Analysis
We live in a world where we’re constantly told we deserve the best of everything. We feel entitled to success, happiness, and all the good things in life.
But what happens when we don’t get what we feel we’re entitled to? We become frustrated, bitter, and resentful.
Instead of focusing on what we think we deserve, let’s take aim at what we’re willing to earn. This is a powerful mindset shift that can make all the difference in our lives.
When we stop feeling entitled and start working towards what we want, we become more adaptable, more determined, and more successful, as this David Goggins quote on mental toughness says.
Also Read: 110 Yung Pueblo Quotes on Life, Love, Growth & Emotional Healing (Analysis)

The vast majority of us are slaves to our minds. Most don’t even make the first effort when it comes to mastering their thought process because it’s a never-ending chore and impossible to get right every time.
David Goggins

The human body can withstand and accomplish a hell of a lot more than most of us think possible, and that it all begins and ends in the mind.
David Goggins

Most of this generation quits the second they get talked to. It’s so easy to be great nowadays because most people are just weak. If you have any mental toughness, any fraction of self-discipline, the ability to not want to do it, but still do it, you’ll be successful.
David Goggins

You know that my refrigerator is never full, and it never will be because I live a mission-driven life, always on the hunt for the next challenge. That mindset is the reason I broke that record, finished Badwater, became a SEAL, rocked Ranger School, and on down the list. In my mind I’m that racehorse always chasing a carrot I’ll never catch, forever trying to prove myself to myself. And when you live that way and attain a goal, success feels anti-climactic.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
This David Goggins saying shows how he is driven by a mindset that demands more of him than most people could ever imagine. He’s like a racehorse who is forever trying to prove himself to himself.
Despite all of his achievements, he’s still hungry for more. He’s still pushing himself to new heights, still proving to himself that he’s capable of achieving anything he sets his mind to.
So, what can we learn from these inspiring words David Goggins?
We can learn that anything is possible if we set our minds to it. We can learn that we’re capable of achieving more than we ever thought possible. We can become focused to the point where success feels anti-climactic because we’ll already be focused on the next challenge to push ourselves beyond our limits.

If you’re not good enough don’t try something else – make yourself good enough.
David Goggins

Most wars are won or lost in our own heads.
David Goggins

If you’re not physically and mentally prepared for what life is going to throw at you, then you’re just going to crumble, And then, you’re no good to nobody.
David Goggins
15 David Goggins Quotes On Suffering

Pain unlocks a secret doorway in the mind, one that leads to both peak performance and beautiful silence.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
We do everything in our power to escape pain in life but in reality, pain is not our enemy, but our ally.
We can use pain as a tool to unlock our true potential. It can open the door to a whole new level of performance. Pain can also lead to inner calm and stillness that is hard to find in our fast-paced world. It narrows our focus and allows our minds to become clearer.
We do everything in our power to escape pain in life but in reality, pain is not our enemy, but our ally.
And this David Goggins quote on suffering shows us that we can use pain as a tool to unlock our true potential. It can open the door to a whole new level of performance. Pain can also lead to inner calm and stillness that is hard to find in our fast-paced world. It narrows our focus and allows our minds to become clearer.

Life is one big tug of war between mediocrity and trying to find your best self.
David Goggins

Let your suffering push you forward. Most people let their sufferings pull them back.
David Goggins

Books feel nice, but results aren’t permanent. Suffering brings permanent results. Push through.
David Goggins

The Buddha famously said that life is suffering.
David Goggins – ‘Can’t Hurt Me’
I’m not a Buddhist, but I know what he meant and so do you. To exist in this world, we must contend with humiliation, broken dreams, sadness, and loss. That’s just nature.
Brief Analysis
Life is full of experiences that are weaved together, forming a vibrant yet challenging existence. Although we all strive for happiness, the truth is that suffering is an inescapable aspect of this journey.
The Buddha’s famous quote “life is suffering” at its core, addresses the harsh realities of the human experience. It speaks to the fact that no matter how successful are, life inevitably brings challenges that test our strength and resilience.
Sadness and loss are perhaps the most universal forms of suffering. The death of a loved one, the end of a meaningful relationship, or the realization that time has slipped away, and we haven’t accomplished what we wanted – all of these can leave us feeling helpless, lost, and overwhelmed.
But it’s through the darkest moments that we discover inner strength we didn’t know we had, and we emerge from the other side with a renewed sense of purpose and perspective.

Suffering is the true test of life.
David Goggins

Everybody wants a quick fix. You may get results, but they won’t be permanent. The permanent results come from you having to suffer.
David Goggins

You have to build calluses on your brain just like how you build calluses on your hands. Callus your mind through pain and suffering.
David Goggins

We can’t control all the variables in our lives. It’s about what we do with opportunities revoked or presented to us that determine how a story ends.
David Goggins
Brief Analysis
We can’t always control what happens to us. But we can control our attitude and our response.
We can choose to see setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than insurmountable barriers.
We can look for creative solutions to problems, rather than getting bogged down in frustration and self-pity. And we can use the challenges we face as fuel to drive us toward our goals, rather than allowing them to hold us back.
In the end, the choice is ours, and it’s up to us to make the most of every opportunity presented to us, no matter how challenging it may seem.

What makes me tick is that pain you feel when you do these ultramarathons …I can take a lot of pain.
David Goggins

You’re going to have to suffer to go from here to there. Most people will never understand the journey.
David Goggins

You can read all the books you want. Unless you have a habit of surviving difficult scenarios, you’ll never thrive.
David Goggins

We’re either getting better or we’re getting worse.
David Goggins – ‘Can’t Hurt Me’
Brief Analysis
This Goggins quote is a gentle reminder that every single day, we have a choice. We can either choose to improve ourselves, our relationships, and our mental and physical health, or we can choose to stay idle, settle for mediocrity, and let fear hold us back.
The thing is, even if we think we’re staying in the same place, we’re not really standing still.
Because life keeps moving forward and if we’re not actively working to better ourselves, we’re actually falling behind.
Now here’s the thing – it’s never too late to start, no matter what your past mistakes and failures may be, you can always start fresh and become better than you were yesterday. The choice is yours.

If you’re willing to suffer, and I mean suffer, your brain and body once connected together, can do anything.
David Goggins

I’m haunted by my future goals, not my past failures. I’m haunted by what I may still become. I’m haunted by my own continued thirst for evolution.
David Goggins
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