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Hailing from a remote town in Sindh, Pakistan, Amna Dhanani, is a writer and author of 4 poetry books.
Despite a difficult childhood and attending school only until the 8th grade; she has become a self-taught and passionate writer who has mastered the ability to speak volumes in a few words.
Amna Dhanani’s themes focus on writing about unjust social norms, heartbreak, mental health, and love. She is now confronting stereotypes and discussing topics that are usually left undiscussed to her huge readership on Instagram and
In this blog post, I’ve compiled 20 Amna Dhanani quotes that sum up her contemporary wisdom and examined them from a personal perspective.
20 Amna Dhanani Quotes (Explained)

If an apology starts with if, it’s not an apology.
Amna Dhanani

Solutions that worked for parents
Amna Dhanani
Don’t necessarily have to work for children.

Forever is an illusion, love isn’t.
Amna Dhanani

There’s a battle going on inside of me
Amna Dhanani
With me For me
And because of me.
Brief Analysis
We’re all at a constant tug-of-war with ourselves. Between our desires, fears, dreams, and personal struggles, it’s a battle that we must fight every day.
But why is this battle so important? It’s because this is a battle for our very existence. It’s a battle that defines who we are and what we stand for. It’s a battle that requires courage, persistence, and strength of character. It’s a battle that can be life-draining, but we must win if we want to live a life of meaning and purpose.
So, to everyone who is fighting this battle, know that you are not alone. We’re all in this together, fighting for ourselves, with ourselves, and because of ourselves.
While the battle might be tough, remember that victory is sweet. So embrace the battle and let it mold you into the person you were meant to be.

It’s okay to change your mind about people if they don’t feel right to you anymore.
Amna Dhanani
Brief Analysis
Always keep in mind that we don’t owe anyone our loyalty or affection if they don’t align with our values or bring us joy.
It’s essential to recognize that people can change, and sometimes those changes can result in a change in a relationship’s nature.
Nevertheless, when we realize we no longer want someone in our lives, it’s natural to feel guilty or ashamed. We might worry about hurting their feelings but I believe our own well-being and happiness should come first. It’s not selfish to prioritize our own needs.
That’s how changing our minds about people can become a liberating experience. It opens up space for new connections and experiences and allows us to focus our energy on relationships that are meaningful and fulfilling.

Efforts don’t need to have results in order to qualify as efforts.
Amna Dhanani
Brief Analysis
As a society, we are obsessed with outcomes. We want to see the fruits of our work, proof that our efforts weren’t in vain. But what if we shifted our focus from the outcome to the process itself?
When we don’t see immediate success or progress, it’s easy to get discouraged. Our efforts begin to seem pointless. But the truth is that every effort counts, regardless of the outcome.
Think about it. The process is just as important as the end result. Every step you take, every mistake you make, and every obstacle you overcome is an opportunity for growth and learning. Putting in the effort itself is an act of courage and determination. It takes guts to put yourself out there, to risk failure.
So, keep pushing forward, keep making efforts, and you’ll get where you want to be, one step at a time.

I’ve healed from things I never thought
Amna Dhanani
I’d make it out of alive.
For once I can say,
Pain has shaped me
Instead of only leaving scars behind.
Brief Analysis
We are capable of healing, growing, and becoming stronger than we ever thought possible. Our pain does not define us.
Rather, it can shape us, transform us, and help us become the best versions of ourselves.
So remember that pain doesn’t have to be our end, because it doesn’t only leave lifelong scars with us but valuable lessons too.
Pain can actually be a sign of things to come. It can in fact be the catalyst that helps you get out of the darkness and into the light. In the end, it can set you free.

I like to stay quiet
Amna Dhanani
Because the world is loud enough.
Brief Analysis
In a world that does not stop talking, choosing to stay quiet is not a sign of weakness, it is an act of strength, a declaration that we are in control of our thoughts and actions.
In choosing to remain silent, we declare we will not be carried away by the wave of noise and chaos.
It’s like carving out a space for ourselves in the midst of the madness to recharge and reconnect with our inner selves. And in doing so, we realize that sometimes, the most powerful thing we can do is simply to be still and listen.
So if you’re naturally attracted to quietness, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re missing out on something.

I knew you needed space I didn’t know you needed it between us.
Amna Dhanani
Brief Analysis
There is often a fine line between being together and separated. How do we know when to hold on tightly, and when to let go gracefully? It’s a tricky balance to strike.
When we sense that someone we care about needs space, our first instinct might be to back away entirely, to give them the physical distance they require. But what about the emotional distance? This is where things get tricky. It’s easy to confuse physical space with emotional space but the truth is, they are two very different things.
To truly understand the needs of the people we love, we must be willing to look beyond the surface level. We must be willing to ask difficult questions, listen with an open heart, and honor the responses we receive.
If you feel that someone you care about needs space, ask yourself, Is it physical, emotional, or both? And how can you honor their needs while still maintaining a strong connection?

In the war against mental health illness, Sometimes I win and sometimes I rest. There’s no losing.
Amna Dhanani
Brief Analysis
The struggle against mental illness is not a battle that can be won with sheer force and determination.
There will be days when we feel like we’re making progress and days when we feel like we’re slipping back into old patterns.
So, it’s important to remember that taking rest is not failure, it’s a necessary part of the journey toward lasting healing and recovery.
This doesn’t mean giving up or giving in to our illness. It simply means recognizing that recovery is a process. So, despite difficulties, we can grow stronger and more resilient by embracing this mindset.

The more you have the emptier you feel.
Amna Dhanani
Brief Analysis
Focusing only on wealth and material goods neglects the important relationships and experiences that make life worth living. We may have all the trappings of success, but we still feel unfulfilled and unsatisfied.
As a result, we start feeling an emptiness inside when we realize that the things we thought would satisfy us are not enough.
The truth is that true fulfillment comes from within. It’s possible only when we shift our focus from the external to the internal when we begin to discover the things that truly matter.
We find joy in the relationships we cultivate, the experiences we have, and the contributions we make to the world around us.

My memories have begun to fade, sometimes all I remember is the memory of a memory.
Amna Dhanani
Brief Analysis
Let me ask you a question: What happens when these memories begin to fade? When all that remains is the memory of a memory?
It’s a strange feeling as if you’re trying to hold on to something that’s slipping away. It feels like it’s slipping away, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t hold onto it.
Amna Dhanani’s quote is a reminder of how fragile our memories are, and how easily they disappear.
I think it serves as a reminder to cherish every moment, and every memory, because one day they may all be gone. It’s a sad realization but it is part of human nature.

Don’t look at your mistakes without looking at the lessons you learned from them.
Amna Dhanani
Brief Analysis
Mistakes are not just blunders to be ashamed of, but opportunities for growth and learning.
Instead of simply focusing on the negative, we should take the time to look at what went wrong and what we can do differently next time.
Think about it: it’s often through trial and error that we discover the best path forward.
So, technically, every mistake is a chance to gain more experience and ultimately become wiser and more confident.

Manners apply to elders as well.
Amna Dhanani
Brief Analysis
Every one of us has self-respect, regardless of our age.
That’s why showing respect and behaving politely is not just limited to younger individuals but also extends to older people.
In other words, age doesn’t give anyone a free pass to be impolite or rude, and it’s essential to treat everyone with kindness and consideration. Remember, children learn from actions, not merely words.
So, it’s necessary to be respectful to them to foster positive relationships with them.

I’m sorry,
Amna Dhanani
what wasn’t love, ruined love for you.
Brief Analysis
What happens when our trust is shattered? When the person we love betrays us in some way, it feels like the end of the world.
Perhaps it was a lie they told, a promise they broke, or a secret they kept. Whatever the cause, suddenly, our “perfect love” is stained, leaving us wondering how we could have been so blind.
But here’s the thing: it’s not love that’s been ruined. Love itself is still pure and true. It’s the actions of the person who claimed to love us that have caused the damage. Love itself is blameless. It’s the people who fail to live up to its standards that are at fault.
So let’s be kinder, more compassionate, and more honest with the people we love. Let’s cherish their trust, and never take it for granted, because love is a fragile thing – and we must handle it with the utmost care.
Also Read: Top Love Quotes That Will Melt Your Heart (Analyzed)

There’s no choice but to learn from the pain or it will never stop.
Amna Dhanani
Brief Analysis
It’s no secret that pain is an inevitable part of life.
So, if we choose to face our pain and learn from it, we can turn it into an opportunity for our growth. We can use our pain as a teacher, showing us the areas in our lives that need attention, to become stronger, and wiser.
Of course, it is not an easy process. It requires us to be vulnerable, and confront our deepest fears and insecurities. But by learning from our pain, we can discover new strength and a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in our lives.
So, don’t shy away from painful events in your life. Embrace them, learn from them, and use them to build a brighter future.

Being blessed does not eliminate depression.
Amna Dhanani
Brief Analysis
People often assume that if they have financial security, a happy family life, and a successful career, they should be content and happy. But the reality is that depression is an illness that can strike anyone, at any time, regardless of their circumstances.
The danger of this sort of mindset is that it can lead to feelings of guilt. It leads to difficulty in opening up to others about your struggles. But the truth is, depression doesn’t discriminate, and it’s important to seek help and support if you’re struggling, no matter how blessed your life may seem.
In fact, maintaining a perfect facade of happiness can often exacerbate depression, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation.
By acknowledging that being blessed does not eliminate depression, we can begin to break down the stigma surrounding mental health and create a more open and accepting environment for those who are struggling.

Life does not get easier but it does get better.
Amna Dhanani
Brief Analysis
Sometimes, we get lost in the day-to-day struggles, focusing on the negative and losing sight of the bigger picture.
But if we take a step back, we can see how far we’ve come and how much we’ve grown. Our once seemingly impossible obstacles become insignificant, and we realize how much more we are capable of.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. We will still face hardships and setbacks along the way, but the key is to keep moving forward.
With each step we take, we inch closer to our goals, and the struggles we faced before begin to fade into the background.

You shouldn’t change for anyone but you should want to improve yourself for yourself.
Amna Dhanani
Brief Analysis
There is a difference between changing ourselves for others versus improving ourselves for our own sake.
To change ourselves for others means modifying our core values, values, or beliefs to fit into someone else’s mold. It’s uncomfortable and unsustainable. However, improving ourselves for ourselves means striving to reach our full potential, and pursue our own goals and passions. It’s like polishing a diamond to reveal its true brilliance.
In this case, we are driven by our own desires, motivations, and aspirations. We don’t compare ourselves to others or seek external validation. We focus on our own growth and development, and we measure our progress against our own standards.
Also, improving ourselves for ourselves is not selfish. It’s actually one of the most selfless things we can do. When we become the best version of ourselves, we are better able to contribute to the world around us. We have more to offer, more to give, and more to share.

I don’t expect you to understand what I’m going through. I only expect you to respect it.
Amna Dhanani
Brief Analysis
Empathy is not always about fully understanding someone else’s perspective. Instead, it’s about acknowledging their feelings and validating their experience, even if we can’t fully relate to it.
It is tempting to offer solutions to someone who is struggling to try to “fix” their problems. But often, what they need most is just to be heard and seen without judgment, who can hold space for their pain without trying to diminish it.
This is the essence of respect: recognizing that someone’s experience is valid, even if it doesn’t match our own.
Ultimately, it’s about being willing to sit with someone in their pain and honor the unique journey that they are on. Through this spirit of respect and openness, we can create a world that is more compassionate.
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