Alex Hormozi is a popular American entrepreneur, investor, fitness enthusiast, and husband of businesswoman Leila Hormozi.
He is also the author of the #1 Amazon Bestsellers ‘$100M Offers’, & ‘$100M Leads‘, books that focus on crafting irresistible offers and getting more leads. These books are based on Alex’s practical strategies, insights, and proven techniques.
On top of this, Alex Hormozi’s Twitter quotes and nuggets of wisdom in his YouTube videos also provide guidance to anyone venturing into entrepreneurship or business in general.
In this blog post, I’ve shared 100 Alex Hormozi quotes on success, business, motivation, productivity, and entrepreneurship. So, let’s dive right in…
28 Best Alex Hormozi Quotes

Wanna know how long it takes to get over disappointment?
As long as you decide it takes.
Alex Hormozi

Solve rich people’s problems.
They pay better.
Alex Hormozi

You don’t become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are.
Outwork your self-doubt.
Alex Hormozi

During my hardest days,
I repeated the same phrase to myself:
“I cannot lose if I do not quit.”
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
It’s certain that victory isn’t always straightforward or definite. The path to achieving our goals is normally filled with setbacks and moments of self-doubt.
That’s why we have no choice but to be relentlessly committed to pushing forward, regardless of how challenging things become.
The phrase “I cannot lose if I do not quit” in this quote by Alex Hormozi accurately sums up the potential that is inherently ingrained in all of us, but most of us die without ever realizing it.
So, let us refuse to surrender in spite of challenges. Let’s believe that as long as we don’t give up and push ourselves to the limit, success will follow.
Also Read: 52 Dave Ramsey Quotes on Money, Debt, Giving, Goals, Budgeting & Insurance

You can get “good enough” at almost anything in 20 hours of focused effort. The problem is, most people spend years delaying the first hour.
Alex Hormozi

We pay for every lesson with either time or money. And we use the currency we value least.
Alex Hormozi

If you can wait 90 days for a result,
you can win.
If you can wait a year,
you can win big.
If you can wait a decade,
you can be the best.
If you can wait a lifetime,
you can change the world .
Alex Hormozi

Most already know what to do and simply don’t do it. It’s not ignorance. It’s fear.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
How many times have you had a brilliant idea and planned out the exact steps to achieve it, only to be struck by a strange fear that fills you with insecurity?
Fear has its roots in our primal instincts. It’s not necessarily negative though as its main role is to keep us safe from harm.
The problem arises when the fear of the unknown stops us from growing and achieving our full potential.
The good news is that we can slowly shift our perspective and see fear as an opportunity for growth rather than an inherent flaw, as this Alex Hormozi quote suggests.

Advice from my father:
No matter how bad it gets,
always remember –
It’s better to be envied than pitied.
Alex Hormozi

If you try one hundred offers, I promise you will succeed. Most people never try anything. Others fail once, then give up. It takes resilience to succeed. Stop personalizing! It’s not about you! If your offer doesn’t work, it doesn’t mean you suck. It means your offer sucks. Big difference. You only suck if you stop trying. So, try again. You’ll never become world class if you stop after a failed attempt.
Alex Hormozi

Set an alarm for your bedtime instead of your wake-up time. It’s a tiny little hack that I think will do you a lot of good.
Alex Hormozi

Rather than picking up your next book,
take action on your last book.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
It’s our natural instinct to jump into the next exciting read as soon as we finish one book in order to absorb more information. But that’s exactly when we need to take a step back and consider a different approach.
The true value of books isn’t just in the information they provide, but also in how we apply what we learn from them. In other words, rather than simply consuming knowledge, we should put it into practice.
The thing is, anyone can pick up a book and read it, but the real wisdom is turning its abstract concepts into experiences in our own lives. Put it this way: words give perspective, but taking action on them actually makes us better.
This Alex Hormozi quote about success reminds us to acknowledge that taking action can be scarier than reading an interesting book in a cozy setting. So, always remember this quote in such situations: “Actions prove who someone is; words just prove who they want to be.” Are you ready to take action or will you read on? The decision is yours.
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As you likely now know, I have crafted thousands of offers over the last decade. Most failed. Some did okay. And some struck gold… but I never really knew why.
As Dr Burgelman, a famous Stanford business school professor said, it is far better to have understood why you failed than to be ignorant of why you succeeded.
Alex Hormozi

Implicit-egotism effect:
we are generally drawn to the things and people that most resemble us.
Alex Hormozi

Hormozi Law:
The longer you delay the ask,
the bigger the ask you can make.
“The longer the runway, the bigger
the plane that can take off.”
Alex Hormozi

“Grow or Die”
is a core tenet at our companies.
We believe every person, every company, and every organism is either growing or dying. Maintenance is a myth.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
In our fast-paced world where things are constantly changing and new ideas are emerging all the time, staying still is basically moving backward. It’s like being stuck in quicksand while everyone else races ahead.
So, instead of being settled with our current situation, whether as an individual or a company, the “Grow or Die” philosophy pushes us to constantly strive for improvement. That means learning new skills and expanding our horizons instead of playing it safe.
And guess what? The “Grow or Die” philosophy is followed by Nature as well. Think about it – organisms must constantly adapt and evolve to survive in the wild. Those who fail to grow or adapt lose out, while those who embrace change thrive.
So, the bottom line in this quote about business by Alex Hormozi is that we need to unleash our full potential by embracing challenges and pushing ourselves to be the best.

I can’t say that I want sunny days if there are no rainy days. We don’t say weather is good or bad, it just is. You should adopt the same attitude to your emotions.
Alex Hormozi

we elevate other people’s opinions even though they have the least context, and disregard the one that has the most, our own.
Alex Hormozi

If you want someone to like you,
do them a BIG favor without them asking.
Alex Hormozi

To change your thoughts,
change what you consume.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
Let’s relate this quote about change from Hormozi to our favorite form of consumption today: endless social media scrolling.
Today, mindless scrolls and endless consumption of content have engulfed us in a virtual world of information, images, and opinions. We get lost in this whirlwind without realizing the impact it has on our mental health.
Scientific studies show that people addicted to social media experience higher levels of anxiety and isolation. Moreover, this excessive consumption causes shorter attention spans, lower self-esteem, and distorted perceptions of reality as we are constantly exposed to carefully curated and often idealized versions of others’ lives.
Remember that you have the power to shape your mindset through the content you consume on social media. Make sure you stick to a handful of inspiring accounts and consume content that feeds your brain to lead a more balanced life.
Also Read: 23 Best Myron Golden Quotes on Motivation, Money & Success

It’s a wonderful feeling when you share something you’ve been ashamed of with the world and realize no one cares.
Alex Hormozi

My big anxiety cure-all:
“I’m gonna die and this isn’t gonna matter.”
Makes light work of most daily stressors.
Alex Hormozi

You know you love what you do if, on your vacations, you’re more excited to work because you won’t be interrupted.
Alex Hormozi

Do not give power to your excuses.
Own your circumstances,
because no one else will.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
Excuses prevent us from moving forward. They provide a safe haven for taking responsibility, but they also prevent us from growing and succeeding. When we give power to our excuses, we’re essentially allowing them to take charge of our lives.
On the flip side, when we take ownership of our circumstances, we empower ourselves to be in control. It means accepting that, while we may not be able to decide what happens to us, we can choose how we respond.
Embracing responsibility shifts our focus from being victims to making a difference. We realize that no one else will do it for us because ultimately, responsibility falls on us.
So, let’s throw away excuses, take control of our lives, and begin the journey to unlock our true potential.

We learn through experience, so collect some.
Alex Hormozi

Sometimes you have to let other people’s dreams for your life die so that yours can live.
Alex Hormozi

Multi-tasking is like balancing spinning plates.
Sure, it sounds exciting but you’ll never unlock the compounding effects of narrowly focused attention.
Alex Hormozi

You can only watch training for so long.
At a certain point you need to dive in the water. You need to step in the ring and get punched in the face.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
It’s easy to get caught up in preparing ourselves for challenges but there comes a moment when we need to go all in and embrace the challenge.
This is because learning and watching others can only take us so far. At some point, we have to put theory to work. After all, lasting growth requires us to accept discomfort and failure as part of the process.
Just like a boxer who takes blows with the goal of coming out on top, we must face hardships and learn from them if we want to achieve our goals.
So, get moving, drop your hesitations, dive headfirst into life’s experiences, and bravely face whatever comes your way.
16 Alex Hormozi Quotes on Success & Making Money

If you need perfect conditions to start it means your success is conditional. If you want unconditional success, then be willing to start in under any circumstance. That includes the one you’re in right now.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
I want you to take a moment to think about all the successful people throughout history. Did they sit around waiting for the stars to align? Absolutely not!
They knew that waiting for perfection was a trap that would prevent them from moving forward. Instead, they took risks, learned from failures, and adapted as they went along, embracing the imperfections of their reality.
That’s why we should also break free from the limitations we impose on ourselves. Because honestly, genuine success doesn’t rely on external factors falling into place; it relies on our own determination to take action.
The truth is, your success is in your hands. No matter how uncertain, challenging, or limited your current situation is, know that this very moment is an opportunity to take the first step toward your goal, as this Alex Hormozi quote about success suggests.
Also Read: 95 Best David Goggins Quotes on Motivation, Suffering & Mental Toughness (Can’t Hurt Me Quotes)

How to not be poor:
Fail once, try again.
Expect no one to help you.
Make promises. Keep them.
Become irreplaceable.
Do more. Talk less.
Make mistakes. Never repeat them.
Alex Hormozi

How to stay poor:
Start tomorrow.
Fail once, quit forever.
Blame your circumstances.
Wait for perfect conditions.
Stay busy. Accomplish nothing.
Talk more. Do less.
Alex Hormozi

Strategy is easy.
Execution is hard.
Alex Hormozi

Most people had a graveyard of failures before they had their first success.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
In our pursuit of success, we embark on ventures with high hopes, only to experience disappointment. But here’s the fascinating thing: failing can actually help you achieve your goals.
The most successful innovators, artists, entrepreneurs, and visionaries of history have one thing in common: they experienced failure, sometimes repeatedly, before reaching the pinnacle of success.
Within the graveyard of failure lies an abundance of wisdom. Each setback, failure, or disappointment provides an opportunity to learn, grow, and evolve.
So, let’s remember this quote about failure and view it as a necessary step toward achieving our goals where each headstone represents a chance taken, a dream pursued, or an idea explored.

Entrepreneurship is about acquiring skills, beliefs, and character traits. To advance, I find that we must determine which skills, beliefs, and character traits we lack. Most times, we simply need to improve.
Alex Hormozi

I think the winner’s mindset sits in the uncomfortable place between two surface-level contradictions:
Extreme paranoia in the present and unshakeable faith in the future. The tension between the two makes someone hard to beat today and hard to outlast tomorrow.
Alex Hormozi

99% of the things I’ve learned,
I’ve learned through doing,
not thinking.
Alex Hormozi

Rather than taking advice from poor people on how to be rich. Take advice from people who are where you want to be.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
If we are serious about achieving success, we need to seek advice from those who are already successful at what we are trying to accomplish.
The underlying message here is that success leaves a trail of clues behind.
By seeking advice from successful individuals, we can uncover the wisdom that can help us avoid potential pitfalls.
Ultimately, with the combination of the guidance of successful people and our steadfast determination, we are more likely to increase our chances of achieving financial success.

Seek out discomfort.
It’s the only place growth happens.
Alex Hormozi

The best time to start is when things are hard, and when things are imperfect, because they will be imperfect again in the future.
Alex Hormozi

Your most valuable asset – your attention.
Alex Hormozi

A lot of people like to romanticize burning the midnight oil or waking up at the crack of dawn, but the truth is that success is neither of those things. It’s just whatever works for you.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
In modern society, there’s a tendency to glorify certain habits and routines, which can leave us feeling excluded if we don’t fit in. But Hormozi’s words encourage us to discover our own formula for success instead of conforming.
And finding what works for us requires understanding ourselves – our minds and bodies, our energy levels, and the environments that inspire us. Through experimentation, we can find the approaches that make us most productive, motivated, and satisfied.
In other words, success lies in honoring our individuality and following our own path. It’s about discovering methods that allow us to unleash our potential and reach our goals, whether that means burning the midnight oil, rising early, or finding an entirely different rhythm.
So, let’s remember this Hormozi quote and know that success is not confined to a specific routine but rather the result of finding the right balance and approach that allows you to shine.

I think that most people underestimate the amount of effort that it takes to go from good to great, so they have this second voice that criticizes everything they do.
Alex Hormozi

Building a business is risky. Living paycheck to paycheck is risky.
Some risks come with upside. Others do not.
Risk wisely.
Alex Hormozi

Multiple income streams is how you stay rich. Not how you get rich.
Alex Hormozi
20 Alex Hormozi Quotes on Business & Entrepreneurship

The most addictive drug is making money doing something you love.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
When you pursue something you’re passionate about, it becomes an integral part of your identity. It’s no longer just work; it’s a source of fulfillment and purpose that transcends just being “at work.”
Now, let’s shift our focus to the money-making aspect. When you transform your passion into a source of income, it becomes a catalyst for personal growth, self-expression, and, ultimately, financial stability.
The fusion of passion and profit results in a beautiful synergy. You become more dedicated and committed when you are passionate about what you do. You invest more time, energy, and creativity into what you do. And as an outcome, you often achieve exceptional results.
In conclusion, this Alex Hormozi quote about making money in a way says that when passion fuels financial success, work becomes a source of joy, and rewards become a testament to our persistent efforts.

You get money from yeses.
You get time from nos.
You get nothing from maybes .
Alex Hormozi

You don’t have to “beat” competition.
Just give more to their customers than they do.
Alex Hormozi

Scarcity is a function of quantity. Urgency is a function of time. This is where you only limit when people can sign up, rather than how many.
Alex Hormozi

Getting people to buy is NOT the objective of a business. Making money is. And lowering price is a one-way road to destruction for most – you can only go down to $0, but you can go infinitely high in the other direction.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
In business, it’s common to lower prices to attract more customers. But according to this quote about entrepreneurship by Alex Hormozi, this ultimately leads to the downfall of your business.
Imagine undercutting your competitors by continually lowering your prices. While it may initially bring in a rush of customers, it is a slippery slope. You can only drop so low before hitting rock bottom: $0.
On the flip side, by focusing on generating revenue rather than obsessing over sales volume alone, you expand your customer base and make more money. Instead of constantly racing to the bottom, you can elevate your business to new heights.
In the end, business is all about finding the right balance between attracting customers and maximizing profitability.

We want to make an offer that’s so different that you can skip the awkward explanation of why your product is different from everyone elses (which, if they have to ask, then they are probably too ignorant to understand the explanation) and instead just have the offer do that work for you. That’s the Grand Slam Offer way.
Alex Hormozi

No offer?
No business. No life.
Bad offer?
Negative profit. No business. Miserable life.
Decent offer?
No profit. Stagnating business. Stagnating life. Good offer?
Some profit. Okay business. Okay life.
Grand Slam Offer?
Fantastic profit. Insane business. Freedom.
Alex Hormozi

Again, we are not trying to get the most customers. We are trying to make the most money.
Alex Hormozi

Only listen to people’s opinions if they have bigger dreams for you than you do.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
These words by Alex Hormozi challenge entrepreneurs to push beyond the ordinary and strive for something extraordinary.
Put simply, he urges us to create offers that are so enticing, so exceptional, that no one will be able to resist them. It’s not about manipulating but rather about understanding the needs, wants, and motivations of your target audience.
This means putting ourselves in their shoes to be able to empathize with their perspective, to understand their fears, hopes, and dreams in the best possible way. Only then will we be able to design an offer that exceeds their expectations.
But understanding is only the first step. The true power of marketing lies in creating an emotional connection. Our offers must evoke such a strong emotional response that logic and objections fade into the background. When saying “no” means denying oneself an incredible opportunity, it is almost impossible to resist.

People who help others (with zero expectation) experience higher levels of fulfillment, live longer, and make more money.
Alex Hormozi

Create flow. Monetize flow. Then add friction.
Alex Hormozi

Aligning with other’s self interest is easier than persuading them to do what you want.
Alex Hormozi

As entrepreneurs, we make bets everyday. We are gamblers – gambling our hard-earned money on labor, inventory, rent, marketing, etc., all with the hopes of a higher pay out. Oftentimes, we lose. But, sometimes, we win and win BIG. However, there is a difference between gambling in business and gambling in a casino. In a casino, the odds are stacked against you. With skill, you can improve them, but never beat them. In contrast, in business, you can improve your skills to shift the odds in your favor. Simply stated, with enough skill, you can become the house.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
Let’s discuss the difference between gambling in a casino and gambling in a business. In a casino, the games are designed to favor the house, and no matter how skilled you are, you can’t beat those odds in the long run. Sure, you might have some lucky streaks, but ultimately, the house wins.
But this is where the business gets interesting. Yes, you will experience losses along the way. However, you have the power to tilt the odds in your favor by continuously improving your skills and learning from your experiences.
So, what does it mean to “become the house”? Well, in a casino, the house always has the advantage because the odds are in their favor. In business, as you grow and develop your expertise, you create your own advantages. You set the rules, determine the odds, and ultimately reap the rewards.
Being an entrepreneur can be nerve-wracking and full of uncertainties, but it is also an exhilarating journey. The thrill lies in the potential for huge wins and the opportunity to shape your destiny for generations, as this Alex Hormozi motivational quote says.

Biggest difference between small and big business owners: Tolerance for mediocrity.
Alex Hormozi

You will fail. In fact, you will fail until you succeed. But you will fail far longer if you keep changing who you market to, because you must start over from the beginning each time. So, pick then commit.
Alex Hormozi

I’ll give you the first rule of entrepreneurship:
use what you have. A lot of people have shame, regret, and anger. If you can use that as your gas in the beginning, eventually you’ll get to a point where you can get out of that loop.
Alex Hormozi

The best thing about making money is that it ends up freeing you up to make your real impact on the world.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
When we’re constantly struggling to make ends meet, it’s extremely difficult to focus on anything else, let alone make a ‘difference’ in the world.
And with money comes the opportunity to give back to causes close to our hearts. But it doesn’t stop there…
Financial freedom also allows us to become innovators and problem solvers. We can use our resources to launch businesses that solve critical social problems. The possibilities are endless when money is no longer a barrier.
So, as this quote about entrepreneurship by Alex Hormozi, ultimately, money’s true beauty lies in its transformative power. It’s not about material possessions. It’s about utilizing the resources and freedom money provides to create a better world.
Also Read: 27 Iman Gadzhi Quotes on Discipline, Freedom & Life

Winners win. The only thing that separates people who don’t win from those who do is the ones who try. So as long as you continue to try, you can’t lose because that’s what it really comes down to.
Alex Hormozi

Competitors don’t put you out of business, but you obsessing over competitors does.
Alex Hormozi

You don’t need more time.
You need more focus.
Alex Hormozi
16 $100M Offers Quotes (Book by Alex Hormozi)

What does it take to grow?
Thankfully, just three simple things:
1. Get more customers
2. Increase their average purchase value
3. Get them to buy more times
That’s it.
Alex Hormozi – $100M Offers
Brief Analysis
Just as sunlight provides the energy for leaves to bloom, new customers inject vitality into your business. They bring fresh perspectives, ideas, and revenue streams.
Once you have customers, the next step is to focus on increasing the average amount they spend on each purchase. By encouraging customers to spend more during each transaction, your business can generate more revenue without necessarily increasing the customer count.
Plus, when customers make multiple purchases over time, they contribute significantly to the overall revenue and help stabilize the business’s financial health.
Now, imagine these three ingredients blending seamlessly together. This $100M Offers quote can be summed up in this simple formula: the more you master these three elements, the higher your business will go, and the more successful it will be.

Some people get there fast. Some people get there slowly. But everyone gets there eventually, as long as you don’t give up. Keep moving forward. Keep getting up. Keep believing it can happen. And, it will.
Alex Hormozi – $100M Offers

I’m going to be an entrepreneur so I can be free. Free to do whatever I want, whenever I want, with whomever I want.
Alex Hormozi – $100M Offers

Those who pay the most, pay the most attention.
Alex Hormozi – $100M Offers

You can either be right or you can be rich. This book is for getting rich. If that bothers you, just put this down and go back to arguing against human nature. Hint: You’re not gonna change it.
Alex Hormozi – $100M Offers
Brief Analysis
Imagine standing at a crossroads where two tempting paths diverge: one leading to intellectual victory and the satisfaction of being ‘right,’ and the other leading to financial prosperity and the allure of being ‘rich.’
This quote by Alex Hormozi makes us realize that these paths cannot always run parallel, nor are they equally attainable, but pursuing one will require giving up the other.
But in my opinion, it’s not about minimizing the value of being right or advocating for ignorance, but rather highlighting the practical trade-offs we face in life.
In other words, the complexity of our desires and acknowledge that both paths – being right and becoming rich – have their place in the complex web of human desires.

Someone has to do.
Then think of all the reasons they wouldn’t be able to do it, or keep doing it.
Alex Hormozi – $100M Offers

The point of good writing is for the reader to understand. The point of good persuasion is for the prospect to feel understood.
Alex Hormozi – $100M Offers

The only thing that beats ‘free’ is ‘fast’. People will pay for speed.
Alex Hormozi – $100M Offers

The degree of the pain will be proportional to the price you will be able to charge. When they hear the solution to their pain, and inversely, what their life would look like without this pain, they should be drawn to your solution.
Alex Hormozi – $100M Offers
Brief Analysis
When people experience a particular level of discomfort, whether it’s a problem they’re facing or an unmet need, they become willing to pay a higher price for a solution.
Essentially, the more significant the pain, the more valuable the solution becomes.
Plus, when people see not only the end of their pain but also the improved future your solution offers, they’re more likely to be attracted to your solution.
In conclusion, understanding the pain points of your target audience and showing them how your product or service can alleviate their pain and enhance their lives is a powerful way to engage them.

Sell your product based on value not on price.
Alex Hormozi – $100M Offers

People who experience a victory early on are more likely to continue with something than those who do not.
Alex Hormozi – $100M Offers

It is far better to have understood why you failed than to be ignorant of why you succeeded.
Alex Hormozi – $100M Offers
Brief Analysis
Think about it. When we succeed, it’s exciting, no doubt. But success doesn’t always come with a guide explaining why things went right. It’s like stumbling upon a treasure without a map to retrace it. This is where the wisdom of Hormozi’s words comes into play.
This quote from Alez Hormozi motivates us to let failure go of the stigma attached to it and face it head-on, to explore it, to question it, and to learn from it.
It’s almost like looking at life through a different lens. Where instead of being discouraged by setbacks, we embrace them as stepping stones toward our goals.
So, let’s value not only the destination but the entire journey, every rise, and every fall, as they all contribute to the overall picture of our growth.

If your company isn’t growing, it’s dying.
Alex Hormozi – $100M Offers

He looked at me soberly and said:
“Make people an offer so good they would feel stupid saying no.”
Alex Hormozi – $100M Offers

You can beat 99% of people simply by continuing to work without needing immediate reward.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
In a world where instant gratification is often the focus, extraordinary potential comes from remaining persistent without seeking immediate recognition.
The 99% represents the majority, and they might jump from one project to another, always on the hunt for immediate rewards. But by staying consistent on one thing, you can easily become part of the top 1%.
Think about it as a long-term investment in yourself and your goals. When you keep pushing forward, even when the recognition is yet to come, you build a strong foundation for success.
So, embrace the journey, focus on the process, and trust that your dedication will set you apart from the majority, as this one of the best Alex Hormozi tweets says.

Determine what you are willing to sacrifice on the altar of your goals.
Then sacrifice them.
This will give you all the room to double down on ONE thing.
Alex Hormozi

You cannot live a big life surrounded by small people.
Alex Hormozi

Everyone is going to forget about you six months after you die.
And in 3 generations everyone who ever knew you will be dead.
Probably worth doing what you want between now and then (because everyone’s gonna forget about you eventually anyways).
Alex Hormozi

A focused fool can accomplish more than a distracted genius.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
Think of a distracted genius as someone who is brilliant and creative, but can’t channel that potential into effective action because of constant distractions and inability to stay committed to one single path.
On the other hand, a focused fool might not have the intellect of a genius but overcomes that with an almost stubborn determination to succeed. This person has the ability to concentrate on a single objective, shut out distractions, and devote all their energy to it.
Think of it this way: a genius might be a powerful ship with incredible technology, but if it keeps changing course every few minutes, it won’t get there. On the other hand, if a fool keeps rowing steadfastly in one direction, he’s more likely to hit the mark.
So, the next time you find yourself getting caught up in a maze of distractions, remember to stay focused, because that my friend, is the only way forward.

The Queen of England died 5 months ago.
She ruled an entire nation and accumulated more wealth than 99.99% of humans.
And…yet…you haven’t thought about her except for this tweet.
You’re gonna die.
Everyone will move on.
Do what you want.
Alex Hormozi

If you’re not in shape, guess whose fault that is.
Alex Hormozi

The reason you are stressed is you have decisions to make and you’re not making them.
Alex Hormozi

Don’t build confidence. Build evidence.
Confidence comes as a result of evidence. Not the other way around.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
Confidence naturally follows. When you’re equipped with the evidence of your preparation, you’re not merely hoping to succeed; you’re confident you’ll succeed because you’ve put in the effort.
This philosophy can be applied to almost any aspect of life. Imagine a chef perfecting a recipe. They don’t just assume they can cook a great dish; they experiment, taste, adjust, and fine-tune until they get a plate of delicious food.
In other words, confidence is the reward that comes after you’ve put in the hard work and gathered concrete evidence of your progress.
So, as this Alex Hormozi confidence quote shows, don’t just focus on trying to pump yourself up with confidence. Put in the effort, build the evidence of your capabilities, and watch as your confidence grows naturally.
Also Read: 70 Naval Ravikant Quotes on Life, Money & Reading (The Almanack of Naval Ravikant Quotes)

It’s arrogant to think you can do multiple things at once and beat someone who does one thing with all their effort.
Alex Hormozi

False: New year. New you.
True: New actions. New you.
Alex Hormozi

30 isn’t the new 20.
It’s an excuse to take ten years longer to accomplish the same thing.
Alex Hormozi

It’s amazing what you can endure when you have no choice.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
When we are deprived of choices, we tap into our inner reserves of determination and resourcefulness, exploring parts of our psyche that are otherwise unexplored.
Think about pioneers who explored uncharted territory, explorers who stepped into the unknown with no guarantee of success. They had no choice but to deal with harsh climates, dangerous terrain, and countless setbacks.
On a more relatable level, consider the personal challenges we face daily. It could be studying late into the night before an exam, caring for a sick loved one, or working multiple jobs to make ends meet.
We might not have the option of choosing an easier path in these moments. Instead, we discover the strength within ourselves we never knew existed. So, even in the absence of choice, the human spirit can almost endure the impossible.

You cannot wish for both strong character and an easy life. The price of each is the other.
Alex Hormozi

It’s hard to beat a person who keeps showing up everyday.
It shifts from winning to outlasting. A very different game.
Alex Hormozi

If you’re not making as much money as you want, consider checking your bank account before social media.
Alex Hormozi

Your spouse marries two people.
The person you are and the person you want to become.
Make sure they love both.
Alex Hormozi
Brief Analysis
It’s not just about embracing your partner’s traits, peculiarities, and strengths, but also about respecting their dreams, goals, and the version of themselves they aspire to become.
Marriage has to be a promise to stand by each other through the journey of personal growth and self-discovery, even when the path isn’t always clear.
This is because the foundation of a lasting and deeply fulfilling relationship is built upon a mutual understanding and acceptance of the present and a shared enthusiasm for the future.
So, appreciate the beauty of supporting your spouse not only in their achievements and challenges but also in their journey towards personal growth.

People don’t want you to be the best version of yourself.
They want you to be the version of you that best serves them.
Alex Hormozi

Being poor sucks more than working hard.
Alex Hormozi

If you get into business to solve problems, you’ll make money.
If you get into business to make money, you’ll have problems.
Alex Hormozi
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