In This Post
Zanna Keithley is an American author, poet, and social media content creator from Seattle, Washington.
She is famous for her deep quotes which often explore themes like self-love, self-improvement, healing, and inner peace.
Her debut book ‘This Is How You Find Your Way’ guides us to reconnect with dreams, to let go of what no longer serves, and to take courageous steps forward.
So in this blog post, I’ve shared 19 best Zanna Keithley quotes that will surely motivate and inspire you.
13 Best Zanna Keithley Quotes
Don’t let fear hold you back. Embrace it, acknowledge it, and then let it fuel your determination to succeed.
Zanna Keithley

Nothing about you is a mistake.
Zanna Keithley
This is how you manifest the life of your dreams: not through self-criticism but through self-love. Not through self- judgment but through self-compassion.
Zanna Keithley

Success is not a destination, but a state of mind. Believe you are already successful, and you will attract success in abundance.
Zanna Keithley
Brief Analysis
This Zanna Keithly quote suggests to consider success as something we can feel and live out right now, regardless of whether we’ve achieved a specific goal. This idea brings us to the power of belief and mindset.
When we believe we are already successful, we tend to approach life with more confidence, and motivation. We stop postponing our sense of achievement or worthiness.
Moreover, when we focus on the success we already have, then that energy tends to attract more success. We start to see more opportunities, more positive outcomes, because we’re aligned with that mindset of abundance.
In simple terms, this Zanna Keithley saying is a call for us to stop waiting for external validation to feel successful. It’s about realizing that success is a feeling we can cultivate within ourselves right now.
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I free myself from fear of the unknown.
Zanna Keithley
Allow what’s meant for you to emerge.
Zanna Keithley

Who are you?
Zanna Keithley
Earth. Stars. Fire. Ice. Ocean. Soil. Ether. Sky. Bones. Muscles. Water. Blood. Spirit. Breath. Shadows. Light. Adventurer. Miracle seeker. Light keeper. Treasure hunter. Child of the moon and the sun. Universal life force. Love in perfect form. And more.
Trust that right now, even when you feel lost and uncertain, something beautiful is unfolding for you. And even more – trust that you’re worthy of it.
Zanna Keithley
Brief Analysis
We don’t see a flower grow in real-time, yet every day it inches closer to blooming. Similarly, there are stages in our lives where we don’t see immediate progress. But, growth is happening beneath the surface.
The most beautiful things take time to unfold. This quote by Zanna Keithly encourage us to take comfort in the idea that life is always working for us, even when we don’t understand how.
Sometimes, life’s challenges make us question our worth, but we should trust, not only in the process, but in ourselves. Just by being who we are, we are already worthy of all the good things coming our way.
So next time we feel lost or unsure, we can remind ourselves: Something beautiful is happening, even if we can’t see it yet. And not only is it happening, but we are worthy of it. This shift in thinking can be life-changing.

Maybe you don’t need to wait until you overcome your fears to take the first step forward. Maybe you just need to know there’s something more important than fear. Something greater. Something worth fighting for. And maybe overcoming your fears is the least important part of your story anyway. Maybe what matters is that you’re scared but still determined. Shaky but still standing. Afraid but still willing to try.
Zanna Keithley
You are worthy of the same love you so willingly give to others. You are worthy of the same forgiveness you so easily bestow upon others. You are worthy of the same compassion you so effortlessly hold for others…
Zanna Keithley

What lights up your soul? What fills you with an irrepressible spark of pure excitement that vibrates deep within your bones? What calls to you? Where is the pull in your heart leading you? What makes you feel most alive?
Zanna Keithley
Go there. Follow that.
You are the author of your own story. Write it with intention, passion, and resilience.
Zanna Keithley
Brief Analysis
Life throws at us a mixture of experiences—some wonderful, some painful. But how we interpret those moments, how we decide to respond to them, is entirely up to us.
Writing with intention means being deliberate about the decisions we make and the direction we want our story to take. We don’t leave the story to chance; we guide it.
Passion is the next element, and it’s about infusing our story with purpose and excitement. Plus, resilience keeps us continuing to write, even when we don’t feel like it.
Finally, we should take ownership of our lives as this Zanna Keith saying shows. We should approach life with thoughtfulness (intention), energy (passion), and determination (resilience).
Also Read: 26 Lalah Delia Quotes on Self Care, Healing & Higher Consciousness

How long will you keep chasing the sun before you realize the sun is inside you?
Zanna Keithley
6 Zanna Keithley Quotes on Positive Thinking
You can. You are capable. And you are worthy. And you have everything you need to follow the call of your heart.
Zanna Keithley
Brief Analysis
This saying by Zanna Keithly is a message of encouragement. It reminds us that we have the power within us to act, to take that first step, no matter how daunting it seems.
Moreover, capability is within all of us. We should trust that the skills we need can be developed and that we are more resilient than we often give ourselves credit for.
We don’t need to look outside for help. Instead, we should trust that we are enough as we are, and that the call of our heart—the dreams, desires, and passions that inspire us—can be followed right now.
In essence, we should listen to our hearts and act on what we truly want. When we internalize these ideas, we become more courageous, more resilient, and more willing to pursue what matters most to us.

My mind is free of resistance and open to all possibilities.
Zanna Keithley
Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations.
Zanna Keithley

If you have a negative thought, recognize the thought, realize it doesn’t align with your truth, and decide to choose differently in that moment, don’t be hard on yourself for having the negative thought in the first place. This is not failure. This is growth.
Zanna Keithley
Whatever you choose to believe comes true.
Zanna Keithley
Brief Analysis
If we believe that we’re capable, that the world is filled with opportunities, we’ll approach challenges with resilience and optimism. We’ll see possibilities where others see problems.
On the flip side, if we believe that nothing will ever change, or that we’re destined for failure, we’re more likely to give up before we even try. Our belief in failure becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Believing doesn’t mean pretending that everything is perfect when it’s not. It’s about choosing a mindset that empowers us to act in ways that lead to better outcomes.
In the end, this Zanna Keithly quote on positive thinking suggests that we hold more power over our lives than we sometimes realize. And the first step in accessing that power is choosing to believe in it.

Just for today, what if you replaced your to-do list with a to-allow list?
Zanna Keithley
Allow the Universe to take care of you.
Allow your burdens to be lifted.
Allow yourself to be supported in every way.
Allow the flow of love to move to and through you.
Allow yourself to sink into your infinite worthiness.
Allow miracles to unfold all around you.
Allow yourself to be enough, just as you are.
Allow peace. Allow ease.
Allow love. Let go.
Surrender. Trust.