16 Best Sahil Bloom Quotes on Productivity, Mindset & Success


Sahil Bloom is an American entrepreneur, writer, investor, and speaker.

Beyond writing, he is also an active investor and focuses on early-stage startups that are trying to make a difference in the world.

One of his major contributions is his popular newsletter, “The Curiosity Chronicle,” where he shares weekly insights on topics ranging from building better habits to understanding the dynamics of success.

So in this blog post, I’ve shared 16 best Sahil Bloom quotes on productivity, mindset & success.

16 Best Sahil Bloom Quotes on Productivity, Mindset & Success

Determine Your Actions For each core personal value determine the actions you can take today to behave in line with that value and avoid the eventual regrets

Determine Your Actions: For each core personal value, determine the actions you can take today to behave in line with that value (and avoid the eventual regrets).

Sahil Bloom

Money: Financial wealth and the accumulation of resources. Power: Control over others; commanding position. Pleasure: Feeling good. Fame: Admiration of others; approval and respect from peers.

Sahil Bloom
Motivation is a natural byproduct of movement. When in doubt just start moving

Motivation is a natural byproduct of movement. When in doubt, just start moving.

Sahil Bloom

There’s no fixed path — you create your own. You get to decide what your successful life looks like.

Sahil Bloom

Brief Analysis

Most of us have a deeply ingrained belief that there’s a single, clear road to success. But that’s not true. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all route that guarantees happiness or fulfillment.

Instead, we’re the ones who have to carve out our own path. We have the power to explore new opportunities that align with our passions and values. 

Figuring out what our version of success looks like isn’t always easy. It requires us to tune out the noise of external expectations and really listen to our own inner voice. 

In the end, this inspirational Sahil Bloom quote suggests us to own our lives. To take charge of our destinies rather than waiting for someone else to tell us what to do or how to be happy

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Never think twice about investments in yourself. They pay dividends for a long time

Never think twice about investments in yourself. They pay dividends for a long time.

Sahil Bloom

Deathbed Regret: Not leaving something that lasts beyond my life.

Sahil Bloom
The things you worship may eat you alive

The things you worship may “eat you alive.”

Sahil Bloom

Upgrade Your Mindset: Eliminate the negativity and cut yourself a break. If you catch the negative self-talk happening, stop it in its tracks.

Sahil Bloom

Brief Analysis

We all have moments when negative thoughts creep in. The first step in upgrading our mindset is recognizing these negative thoughts. The longer we let them stay, the harder they are to remove.

When we notice negative self-talk happening, we have to stop it in its tracks. Plus, we should learn to be kinder to ourselves. 

Moreover, upgrading our mindset is about cultivating a positive mental environment. It’s about pulling out the weeds of negativity and making space for growth, and self-compassion.

So,  this Sahil Bloom quote tells us to remember that we’re all just doing the best we can. In doing so, we’ll be taking the first steps toward a mindset that helps us grow into the best version of ourselves.

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Movement — Momentum — Motivation

Movement —> Momentum —> Motivation.

Sahil Bloom

Furthermore, most of us go through our lives completely unaware of the idol we worship.

Sahil Bloom
The first step is to eliminate our desire to say we are busy. We need to remove busy as a positive signal from our collective consciousness

The first step is to eliminate our desire to say we are busy. We need to remove “”busy”” as a positive signal from our collective consciousness.

Sahil Bloom

It’s not about how many hours you work or how filled your days are with movement. It’s about how much output you generate per unit of input. It’s about the leverage on your input.

Sahil Bloom

Brief Analysis

In the modern world, we often glorify being busy. But if we look closer, we might notice that this busyness doesn’t always equate to meaningful progress.

Sure, we’re moving, but are we moving in the right direction? Instead of just grinding away, we should focus on how to maximize the value of the time and energy we put in.

Plus, the goal is about finding ways to achieve more with less effort. It’s about efficiency and effectiveness, rather than sheer effort as these words by Sahil Bloom suggest.

In the end, this quote by Sahil Bloom encourages us to value the quality of our work over the quantity. It’s not about working harder; it’s about working smarter.

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I think too many people jump at every 2x opportunity they encounter in life and thus find themselves too busy or without

I think too many people jump at every 2x opportunity they encounter in life and thus find themselves too busy or without the mental bandwidth to capitalize on the 10x opportunities when they arise.

Sahil Bloom

Give people a second chance, but never a third.

Sahil Bloom
Perpetual busyness is a sign of a rocking horse. Hours and hours of movement but little actual forward progress. Urgent ≠ Important

Perpetual busyness is a sign of a rocking horse.
Hours and hours of movement but little actual forward progress. Urgent ≠ Important

Sahil Bloom

Urgent vs. Important: Spending too much time on the urgent draws our attention away from the important.

Sahil Bloom

Brief Analysis

When we always focus on what’s urgent, we spend all our time fixing immediate problems. But in doing that, we don’t have time to work on things that really matter.

When we allow the urgent to take precedence over the important, we miss out on the opportunities for growth. We’ve been running on a treadmill, expending energy but staying in the same place.

So, we should set boundaries and be okay with not responding to every little thing immediately. It’s okay to let some things wait so that we can focus on what truly matters.

In essence, these words by Bloom portray that our attention is one of our most valuable resources. If we learn to prioritize the important, we’ll recognize our true values and aspirations.

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I'm a former writer with a bachelor's degree in English literature. I’ve always believed that words are a powerful medium for personal growth and transformation.

That’s why I founded Art of Poets on Instagram back in 2018 to share meaningful, motivational words with others. Today, it inspires a community of over 2.4 Million readers on Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and this website which I launched in March 2023.

While I choose to remain anonymous, my passion for sharing inspiring quotes and blog posts on personal growth will always be fueled by the belief that words can truly transform our lives.