24 Best Ed Mylett Quotes on Life & Motivation


Ed Mylett is an entrepreneur, life coach, business strategist, 2x bestselling author, and top-ranked podcast host. He is famous for his mentoring and coaching on social media and his books.

As a host of the Ed Mylett Show, he provides advice on overcoming hardships and achieving goals in business or overall success.

Ed Mylett’s philosophy advocates the concept of “Max out”, which encourages that we should look beyond our perceived limits. He talks about the themes of personal growth, success, and never giving up in his best-selling books “MaxOut Your Life” and “The Power of One More” in great detail.

In this blog post, I’ve shared 24 best Ed Mylett quotes on life & motivation along with their brief explanations. So, let’s read on…

12 Motivational Ed Mylett Quotes

Whoever is trying to bring you down is beneath you. They can make NO IMPACT on your life as long as you dont let them

Whoever is trying to bring you down is beneath you. They can make NO IMPACT on your life as long as you don’t let them.

Ed Mylett
If its not going to matter in 5 years DO NOT spend more than 5 minutes being upset by it

If it’s not going to matter in 5 years, DO NOT spend more than 5 minutes being upset by it.

Ed Mylett
Life is too short to spend it at war with yourself

Life is too short to spend it at war with yourself.

Ed Mylett

Brief Analysis

This inspirational Ed Mylett quote is essentially giving us a key to unlock our potential. Well, it’s about owning up to our actions, choices, and even our reactions to situations.

By accepting responsibility, we stop being victims of our circumstances. Suddenly, we realize that we have the ability to change our lives for the better, simply by taking ownership and taking action.

It’s not always easy, of course. But the payoff is immense. We become empowered to create the kind of life we truly desire.

To sum it up, when we accept responsibility for everything in our lives, we unlock a superpower within ourselves. So, we should embrace that power and start steering our lives in the direction of our dreams.

Also Read: 43 Jocko Willink Quotes on Discipline, Leadership, Life, Ownership & Teamwork

Its what you do when you arent motivated that determines success or failure

It’s what you do when you aren’t motivated that determines success or failure.

Ed Mylett
Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned

Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.

Ed Mylett
Strength grows in the moments when you think you cant go on but you keep going anyway

Strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway.

Ed Mylett
The thing thats going to kill your dream is the obsession about what other people are going to think about you

The thing that’s going to kill your dream is the obsession about what other people are going to think about you.

Ed Mylett

Brief Analysis

Sometimes, we get so worried about what other people will think of us that it can stop us from going after our dreams. We start doubting ourselves.

This fear of judgment can be so powerful that it stops us from even trying. And before we know it, our dream starts to fade away.

This obsession with what others think can really kill our dreams. It can hold us back from taking risks and stepping out of our comfort zone.

This motivational quote by Ed Mylett reminds us to focus on our own goals and passions and to drown out the noise of other people’s opinions. Because at the end of the day, it’s our own happiness and fulfillment that matter most.

Also Read: 23 Best Myron Golden Quotes on Motivation, Money & Success

What you allow is what will continue

What you allow is what will continue.

Ed Mylett
One extra hour a day is 365 additional hours each year for you to WIN Over a five year period thats the equivalent of adding seventy six productive work days

One extra hour a day is 365 additional hours each year for you to WIN! Over a five-year period, that’s the equivalent of adding seventy-six productive work days to your business, or towards achieving your goals. It’s a way to literally get more time in your day.

Ed Mylett
Through proximity you absorb the traits actions and beliefs of the people you associate with. Consciously and unconsciously their knowledge and ideas become a part of who you are

Through proximity, you absorb the traits, actions, and beliefs of the people you associate with. Consciously and unconsciously, their knowledge and ideas become a part of who you are.

Ed Mylett
Comfort is the enemy of greatness. Embrace discomfort and make it work for you. Thats where youll find your best life

Comfort is the enemy of greatness. Embrace discomfort and make it work for you. That’s where you’ll find your best life.

Ed Mylett

Brief Analysis

If we always stick to what’s comfortable and familiar, we’ll never push ourselves to reach our full potential. We’d miss out on so many opportunities for growth and success.

Ed Mylett encourages us to embrace discomfort. Yes, it might feel scary or challenging at first, but that discomfort is actually a sign that we’re onto something big. 

When we embrace discomfort and lean into it, we become more resilient and more capable of handling whatever life throws our way. And when we do that,  we start living our best lives.

In conclusion, this short Ed Mylett saying is simple but powerful: comfort might feel nice, but it’s not where we grow. By embracing discomfort and challenges, we unlock our potential and live our best lives.

12 Best Ed Mylett Quotes from The Power of One More Book

Manage your triggers or theyll eat you alive

Manage your triggers, or they’ll eat you alive.

Ed Mylett

Brief Analysis

“Triggers” refers to those specific events, words, people, or even memories that prompt an immediate emotional reaction from us. Managing our triggers is a form of taking control of our lives. 

If we don’t get a grip on what triggers us, these triggers can dominate our emotions and behaviors, leading us into repeated cycles of stress, anger, or fear. This can harm our relationships, our professional life, and our overall mental health.

To manage our triggers effectively, we can start by identifying them. Once we understand and can handle these triggers, we are free to live more fully and react more authentically.

This short Ed Mylett quote is a call to action. It’s a prompt to take charge of our emotional landscape so that we can live more fulfilling lives. By managing our triggers, we don’t just avoid being eaten alive; we thrive.

The wisest are the most annoyed at the loss of time

The wisest are the most annoyed at the loss of time.

Ed Mylett
Thats why you must guard your thoughts. Pull out the mental weeds that threaten to take over the good parts of your psyche

That’s why you must guard your thoughts. Pull out the mental weeds that threaten to take over the good parts of your psyche.

Ed Mylett
Think about the timely words of British statesman Lord Chesterfield Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves

Think about the “timely” words of British statesman Lord Chesterfield: “Take care of the minutes, and the hours will take care of themselves.

Ed Mylett
When youre in the habit of keeping promises you make with yourself youre on the pathway to self‐confidence

When you’re in the habit of keeping promises you make with yourself, you’re on the pathway to self‐confidence.

Ed Mylett

Brief Analysis

This saying by Ed Mylett is about the promises we make to ourselves. These are sincere commitments that we make with ourselves about our behavior, our goals, and our dreams.

When we consistently follow through on our commitments to ourselves, we start to trust ourselves more. Trusting ourselves boosts our self-confidence because it is rooted in genuine self-respect. 

Plus, this pathway to self-confidence is a defense mechanism against the inner critic that many of us battle daily. The habit of fulfilling commitments to ourselves acts like armor, protecting us from doubts and fears.

In essence, by honoring the commitments we make to ourselves, we are fundamentally enhancing our belief in our own capabilities. Each promise kept is a step on the path to becoming the person we aspire to be.

Also Read: 35 MrBeast Quotes on Life, YouTube & Money

What exactly is identity I define it as the thoughts concepts and beliefs we hold as the most genuine parts of our inner being

What exactly is identity? I define it as the thoughts, concepts, and beliefs we hold as the most genuine parts of our inner being. You can put on a face or act a certain way for the rest of the world, but you can’t lie to yourself when it comes to these things. Deep inside, you know what’s true about you.

Ed Mylett
Unconsciously we always find a way to get back to where our thermostat is set based on what we think were worth

Unconsciously, we always find a way to get back to where our thermostat is set based on what we think we’re worth.

Ed Mylett
Your greatest gains and successes happen when you push yourself to new places and new limits

Your greatest gains and successes happen when you push yourself to new places and new limits.

Ed Mylett
Your beauty comes from your soul intentions your capacity to give how you treat people your beliefs and your kind heart

Your beauty comes from your soul, intentions, your capacity to give, how you treat people, your beliefs, and your kind heart.

Ed Mylett

Brief Analysis

The soul can be thought of as the core of our being. When our actions and words are aligned with the purity and authenticity of our soul, we radiate a genuine kind of beauty.

When we act with good intentions, aiming to do good for others, our behavior reflects a beauty that transcends physical appearances. It’s about the purity and positivity of our motives that make our actions beautiful.

Our beliefs shape our worldview and our actions. When we hold beliefs that promote peace, love, and justice and our beauty shines through as a beacon of inspiration and hope for others.

In essence, this Ed Mylett quote is a powerful reminder that our most impactful form of beauty depends on the qualities we nurture within ourselves. It’s the kind of beauty that makes a real difference in the world.

Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves

Take care of the minutes, and the hours will take care of themselves.

Ed Mylett
Im a big believer that everything you need is already in and around you right now if you can just put in the work to see it

I’m a big believer that everything you need is already in and around you right now if you can just put in the work to see it.

Ed Mylett
Few things are more expensive than opportunities you miss

Few things are more expensive than opportunities you miss.

Ed Mylett

Read ‘The Power of One More’

The Power of One More

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I'm a former writer with a bachelor's degree in English literature. I’ve always believed that words are a powerful medium for personal growth and transformation.

That’s why I founded Art of Poets on Instagram back in 2018 to share meaningful, motivational words with others. Today, it inspires a community of over 2.4 Million readers on Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and this website which I launched in March 2023.

While I choose to remain anonymous, my passion for sharing inspiring quotes and blog posts on personal growth will always be fueled by the belief that words can truly transform our lives.