23 Best Myron Golden Quotes on Motivation, Money & Success


Myron Golden is an American motivational speaker, business coach, and best-selling author.

He is best known for his book “From the Trash Man to the Cash Man: How Anyone Can Get Rich Starting from Anywhere” in which he shares practical advice on wealth-building, mindset shifts, and strategies for financial success.

In this blog post, I’ve shared 23 best Myron Golden quotes on motivation, money & success along with an explanation of a few of them.

So if you’re seeking some powerful insights from a coach like Myron Golden, read on to uncover the wisdom and motivation that can help you achieve your goals.

12 Best Myron Golden Quotes On Motivation & Success

If you want to become wealthy then you have to find out what the top 5 of people do financially and do the same thing

If you want to become wealthy, then you have to find out what the top 5% of people do financially and do the same thing.

Myron Golden

Stop trying to find someone to validate what you know God already put inside of you.

Myron Golden
The greatest business breakthroughs that I have had is probably collapsing time frames through high ticket sales

The greatest business breakthroughs that I have had is probably collapsing time frames through high ticket sales.

Myron Golden

If you want to change the output, you must change the input.

Myron Golden

Brief Analysis

What we put into a situation directly influences what we get out of it. If we engage in unhealthy habits, we can’t expect to feel vibrant and energetic.

By changing these inputs—shifting our mindset to be more positive—we begin to create the conditions for a better “output.”This concept also applies to our work and goals.

Plus, this Myron Golden quote also suggests we take responsibility for our lives. It’s easy to blame external circumstances when things don’t go the way we want. 

In essence, this Myron Golden quote on motivation suggests us to look inward and reflect on the choices we make every day. If we want different results, we need to start by making different choices.

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Self interest is not selfish

Self interest is not selfish.

Myron Golden

Your money problems are really only the result of making money too slow.

Myron Golden
Wealth is measured in time

Wealth is measured in time.

Myron Golden

Poor people focus on the obstacle. Rich people focus on the opportunity.

Myron Golden

Brief Analysis

When we face difficulties, our natural reaction is to see the obstacle first. For many of us, this focus on the obstacle can be paralyzing. 

On the other hand, when we look at how rich people think, we often find a different approach. They tend to see opportunities where others see obstacles as this Myron Golden saying suggests.

Plus, when we shift our focus to opportunities, we open ourselves up to creativity and solutions. This shift in perspective often leads to discovering new paths and strategies.

In essence, it’s a reminder that while we may not always control our circumstances, we do have control over how we respond to them. And often, that response makes all the difference.

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Stop preparing to prepare. Start doing the inputs that will get you the outputs

Stop preparing to prepare. Start doing the inputs that will get you the outputs.

Myron Golden

Whatever Your Hand Finds to Do, Do It with All Your Might.

Myron Golden
When you fall down dont stay down

When you fall down, don’t stay down.

Myron Golden

Success is a continuum not a destination.

Myron Golden

Brief Analysis

When we think of success, it’s easy to picture it as a destination—a place we arrive at after years of hard work. But here’s the thing: life doesn’t work that way.

If we see success as a destination, we run the risk of feeling unfulfilled even after achieving our goals. Why? Because the moment we reach that “destination,” we may find ourselves wondering, “What’s next?”

Plus, each accomplishment we achieve is a part of our success journey, but it’s not the final chapter. Success is in the everyday effort, the small wins, and the determination to keep moving forward no matter what.

To conclude, Myron Golden’s words suggest us to continue the journey, setting new goals, and finding fulfillment in the pursuit. Success is alive, evolving with us as we move through life.

11 Myron Golden Quotes on Money & Business

If you study both wealth and poverty you can learn how to become wealthy

If you study both wealth and poverty, you can learn how to become wealthy.

Myron Golden

Brief Analysis

When we study wealth, we often look at successful people. We learn from their stories, their strategies, and their mindset. But if we stop there, we’re only getting half the picture.

Plus, studying poverty is just as important because it shows us what not to do. It highlights the pitfalls, the mistakes, and the traps that can keep us from achieving our financial goals.

Moreover, when we study both wealth and poverty, we’re also studying ourselves. We begin to see where our own beliefs, habits, and decisions fit into the spectrum of wealth and poverty.

In conclusion, this Myron Golden quote on money shows that the path to wealth is not a straight line. It’s a journey that requires us to explore both sides of the financial spectrum and learn from the successes and failures of others as well.

You don’t have a money problem. You have sales problem.

Myron Golden
Be a lot do a lot. Do a lot have a lot

Be a lot, do a lot. Do a lot, have a lot.

Myron Golden

It’s easier to make a lot of money in a short period of time than it is to make a little money over a long period of time.

Myron Golden
Money follows mastery

Money follows mastery.

Myron Golden

Brief Analysis

We live in a world where many of us are constantly chasing after money. We think that it will bring us happiness, security, or a better life.

But what this quote by Myron Golden is suggesting is a shift in our focus. Instead of chasing after money directly, he encourages us to concentrate on becoming the best at what we do.

Because people recognize and reward mastery. When we master something, we create immense value, and in our society, value is often measured in terms of money. 

So, rather than spending our energy chasing after money, these Myron Golden motivational words tell us to put our energy into becoming the best at what we do. Let’s strive for mastery, and in doing so, the money will follow.

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You’ve got to find out what the bottom 95% are doing financially, and whatever else you do, don’t do what they do.

Myron Golden
Follow the principles that rich people follow and you will become rich. Its that simple

Follow the principles that rich people follow, and you will become rich. It’s that simple.

Myron Golden

Wealth is a good idea, because wealth is a God idea.

Myron Golden
If you are unwilling to do you are undeserving to have. Thats how God set it up

If you are unwilling to do, you are undeserving to have. That’s how God set it up.

Myron Golden

Brief Analysis

This Myron Golden saying tells us that there’s a direct link between what we’re willing to do and what we can rightfully claim as our own. It’s a fundamental truth that applies universally.

Nothing worthwhile is handed to us on a silver platter. Instead, there’s a divine order that insists we contribute our effort before we receive our reward as this quote by Myron Golden shows.

This perspective challenges us to take responsibility for our lives. If we want something, we need to be willing to take the necessary steps to achieve it. 

In the end, we should be active participants in our own lives. We should be ready to take responsibility for what we want, and to understand that effort and reward are intrinsically linked.

The hardest part of making money in the new economy is staying in the activity long enough to become the person who can do the thing.

Myron Golden
Time is infinitely more valuable than money

Time is infinitely more valuable than money.

Myron Golden
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I'm a former writer with a bachelor's degree in English literature. I’ve always believed that words are a powerful medium for personal growth and transformation.

That’s why I founded Art of Poets on Instagram back in 2018 to share meaningful, motivational words with others. Today, it inspires a community of over 2.4 Million readers on Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and this website which I launched in March 2023.

While I choose to remain anonymous, my passion for sharing inspiring quotes and blog posts on personal growth will always be fueled by the belief that words can truly transform our lives.