36 Happy & Hello August Quotes for 2024 (Positive August Quotes)


The name “August” is derived from Augustus Caesar (the first Roman emperor) who was honored with this month being named after him in 8 B.C.

As the month of August is all about the transition from summer’s peak to the beginning of the fall season, these August quotes give us a sense of anticipation about this new beginning.

In this blog post, I’ve shared 36 hello August quotes, happy August quotes, and positive August quotes to help you set a positive tone for the month of August 2024.

So let’s dive into a collection of inspirational August sayings that will inspire you to take on the month with confidence and joy!

11 Hello August Quotes to Welcome August 2024

Hello August Authenticity starts with Understanding your worth and Glowing in your way because a Unique imperfect and different Self is much better Than the perfect clone

Hello August

Authenticity starts with
Understanding your worth and
Glowing in your way because a
Unique, imperfect, and different
Self is much better
Than the perfect clone.

Goodbye July Hello August

Goodbye July, Hello August!

HELLO AUGUST August whispers of the approaching autumn urging us to savor every moment of summer


August whispers of the approaching autumn, urging us to savor every moment of summer.

August rain the best of the summer gone and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time

August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time.

Sylvia Plath

Brief Analysis

In August, rain marks a significant transition. It reminds us that the carefree days of summer are starting to slip away.

However, autumn hasn’t yet arrived in August. It’s like waiting for a new chapter to start, but we’re stuck in the pause between the two.

Then, Sylvia Plath quote here describes this period as “the odd uneven time.” It’s an acknowledgment of the discomfort and unpredictability of transitions. We’re neither fully in the present nor the future.

So, this short August quote suggests that it’s okay to feel a bit lost during times of change. And just like the rain in August, these moments prepare us for new beginnings, even if they feel uneven.

Also Read: 35 Happy & Hello September Quotes for 2024 (Inspirational September Quotes)

August is a time of growing up of forgotten forever full of the sweetest intent

August is a time of growing up, of forgotten forever, full of the sweetest intent.

Meka Boyle
Breathe the sweetness that hovers in August

Breathe the sweetness that hovers in August.

Denise Levertov
Hello August bring on the harvest

Hello August, bring on the harvest.

HELLO AUGUST August is filled with the golden hues of summer reminding us of natures brilliance


August is filled with the golden hues of summer, reminding us of nature’s brilliance.


Brief Analysis

This hello August quote for 2024 captures the essence of August perfectly by highlighting its “golden hues.” It’s the time when fields and meadows are bathed in a golden glow, and the sunsets are more breathtaking than ever.

Plus, August is nature at its most abundant and generous. The gardens are full of ripe vegetables and fruits, the flowers are in full bloom, and the air is filled with the buzzing of bees and the chirping of crickets.

As we move through August, we should appreciate the beauty around us. The golden hues of August serve as a gentle reminder to cherish the moments of brilliance.

In short, when we greet August, we’re not just acknowledging another month on the calendar. We’re welcoming a time of beauty and abundance, a time to marvel at the wonders of nature.

Also Read: 16 Funny August Quotes for 2024 That Will Make You Laugh

August is the border between summer and autumn it is the most beautiful month I know

August is the border between summer and autumn; it is the most beautiful month I know.

Tove Jansson
August Lets make this month the best one yet

August: Let’s make this month the best one yet.

August is ripening grain in the fields blowing hot and sunny the scent of tree ripened peaches of hot buttered sweet corn on the cob

August is ripening grain in the fields blowing hot and sunny, the scent of tree-ripened peaches, of hot buttered sweet corn on the cob.

Jean Hersey

10 Happy August Quotes

Small things to love about August Endless hours of sunshine Multicolor sunsets Homemade lemonade Seashells in all shapes and colors Freshly baked Smores Spontaneous summer trips

Small things to love about August

Endless hours of sunshine
Multicolor sunsets
Homemade lemonade
Seashells in all shapes and colors
Freshly baked S’mores
Spontaneous summer trips


Brief Analysis

August is like nature’s own extended happy hour as this happy August quote portrays. It’s a time to leave behind our worries and just enjoy the brightness of the world around us.

Then there are the multicolor sunsets. Every evening is a unique masterpiece, reminding us of the beauty in the world and the fleeting, magical moments we get to experience.

And of course, spontaneous summer trips add a sense of adventure to August. The freedom to pack up and go, to explore new places and make new memories, is a wonderful gift that August gives us.

In essence, this quote about August suggests us to celebrate all these small things that make this month so enchanting. It’s a time to savor the simple pleasures and make the most of every sunny, magical day.

Happy August August is a symphony of summers best moments where every note brings a sense of peace and happiness

Happy August:

August is a symphony of summer’s best moments, where every note brings a sense of peace and happiness.

August is like a treasure chest of moments waiting to be discovered and cherished

August is like a treasure chest of moments waiting to be discovered and cherished.

A mazing U nlimited G race U plifting S tandards T oday Happy August

A mazing
U nlimited
G race
U plifting
S tandards
T oday

Happy August

You can see blue skies with a beautiful moon at the end of summer

You can see blue skies with a beautiful moon at the end of summer.


Brief Analysis

The blue sky represents the energy of summer. The moon symbolizes the calm and serenity that comes as we move into autumn. This combination creates a unique and beautiful scene.

In a deeper sense, this happy August quote reminds us about the transitions in our own lives. Just like the change from summer to fall, we go through our own shifts and changes.

Sometimes, we hold onto the energy and excitement of one phase, while also starting to embrace the calm and reflection of the next. It’s a gentle nudge to find beauty in these moments of transition.

So, let’s soak in the blue skies and the rising moon, and remember that each season has its own unique beauty. It’s in these transitions that we often find the most meaningful and memorable experiences.

Also Read: 18 Unique 2024 Quotes to Kickstart Your New Year (New Year Quotes)

Happiness is not by chance but by choice

Happiness is not by chance, but by choice.

Jim Rohn
As the sun sets on July we welcome August with open arms knowing that brighter days lie ahead

As the sun sets on July, we welcome August with open arms, knowing that brighter days lie ahead.

Everything good everything magical happens between July and August

Everything good, everything magical happens between July and August.

August Ill see you soon under yellow moons where Ill gather whats left of you

August, I’ll see you soon, under yellow moons, where I’ll gather what’s left of you.

Ria Killi

Brief Analysis

The phrase “I’ll see you soon” suggests that we have a deep connection with August. It’s not just about the passing of time but about revisiting those moments that August holds for us.

Plus, “Under yellow moons” paints a vivid picture. In August, the moonlight seems to have a special hue, almost as if it’s tinted with the last light of summer.

Moreover, as August fades away, we find ourselves trying to hold on to its remnants. We gather the memories, the feelings, and the essence of those summer days, knowing that they won’t last forever.

In conclusion, this short August quote encourages us to live fully in the moment. It’s a reminder that every ending is also a new beginning, filled with the promise of future gatherings and new memories.

But I can see us lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time…

But I can see us lost in the memory, August slipped away into a moment in time…

Taylor Swift

9 Positive August Quotes

August is the Sunday of summer I wish we could turn the hour glass over I wish that i could hold you closer But August is the Sunday of summer

August is the Sunday of summer, I wish we could turn the hour glass over, I wish that i could hold you closer, But August is the Sunday of summer.

MaK Cov

Brief Analysis

This August saying is drawing a parallel between August and the feeling we get on a Sunday. Think about Sundays. They carry a bittersweet vibeIt’s a day filled with a mix of enjoyment and a hint of looming responsibility.

Now, if we translate this to summer, August is the last month before autumn starts creeping in. The end of summer is approaching, bringing with it the start of school or work routines.

Plus, summer, with its long, lazy days and magical nights, often heightens these feelings. We want to hold on to those precious moments and the people we share them with.

In short, this positive August quote beautifully captures the essence of transition and the emotional push and pull we feel during those times. We love the present, but we’re aware it’s slipping away. We want to hold on, but we know we can’t

What I want for August Adventure August Ambition August Abundance August Authenticity August Appreciation August Avocado August

What I want for August

Adventure August
Ambition August
Abundance August
Authenticity August
Appreciation August
Avocado August

This morning the sun endures past dawn. I realize that it is August the summers last stand

This morning, the sun endures past dawn. I realize that it is August: the summer’s last stand.

Sara Baume
Childhood is June and old age is August

Childhood is June, and old age is August.

Rick Bass

Brief Analysis

In our lives, childhood is similar like June. It’s a time of exploration, learning, and boundless curiosity. Everything feels new, and there’s a sense of wonder in discovering the world around us.

On the flip side, “old age is August” in this rather funny August quote evokes a different mood. August, at the end of summer, is often a time when things start to slow down. The days are still warm, but there’s a hint of the approaching fall in the air.

Similarly, old age in our lives is a time of reflection, wisdom, and understanding. We have lived through countless experiences, seen the seasons change, and now we can look back and savor the memories.

To conclude, this August phrase shows that each stage brings its own value and significance. This perspective encourages us to appreciate where we are in our lives and recognize the unique gifts each stage offers.

In August the large masses of berries which when in flower had attracted many wild bees gradually assumed their bright velvety

In August, the large masses of berries, which, when in flower, had attracted many wild bees, gradually assumed their bright velvety crimson hue, and by their weight again bent down and broke their tender limbs.

Henry David Thoreau
The earth has music for those who listen

The earth has music for those who listen.

William Shakespeare
Your happiness is not a group project. It doesnt have to make sense to others

Your happiness is not a group project. It doesn’t have to make sense to others.

Augusts transition from summer to autumn teaches us that change can be beautiful

August’s transition from summer to autumn teaches us that change can be beautiful.


Brief Analysis

This transition of seasons is a perfect metaphor for our own lives. Just like the seasons, we too experience changes and shifts as this positive August quote portrays.

As summer fades, we get to experience the fresh, new energy of autumn. Each change in season, and each change in our lives, brings something different and often wonderful.

Moreover, embracing change can be challenging, but August reminds us that it’s not something to fear. Instead, it’s something to celebrate. We can look at change as a chance to grow.

So, as August guides us from one season to another, let’s approach the changes in our lives with a sense of wonder and appreciation. Just like we do when we see the beautiful autumn leaves for the first time.

6 1st Day of August Quotes

Today is the first day of August it is no longer July. Summer passes and Summer friends will melt away like snow in spring 1

Today is the first day of August; it is no longer July.

Summer passes, and Summer friends will melt away like snow in spring.

Rolf van der Wind

Brief Analysis

As we step into August, there’s a unique feeling in the air which marks a shift from the warm days of July. This 1st Day of August quote captures that transition perfectly.

July, with its endless summer days, is now behind us. We might find ourselves reflecting on the summer’s events, the friends we’ve met, and the experiences we’ve had.

Just as snow melts away with the arrival of warmer weather, some of the connections we made during the summer might not last. We might drift apart from friends we only saw during these months.

In short, we should acknowledge the end of one season and the start of another. It’s a time to celebrate the changes and the constant flow of life, knowing that with every ending comes a new beginning.

Also Read: 35 Inspirational & Funny July Quotes (Hello July Quotes)

Welcome 1st August and end August by setting goals saying prayers and working hard

Welcome 1st August and end August by setting goals, saying prayers, and working hard.

Happy 1st August. All hail sunshine and more sunshine

Happy 1st August.

All hail sunshine and more sunshine!

Your August can be as memorable as the leaving summer

Your August can be as memorable as the leaving summer.

Jennifer Lewis
A golden afternoon of August every breath from the hills so full of life that it seemed whoever respired it though dying might revive

A golden afternoon of August: every breath from the hills so full of life that it seemed whoever respired it, though dying, might revive.

Emily Bronte

Brief Analysis

August brings with it a golden, sunlit quality that makes everything seem more vibrant. It’s a time when nature is in full bloom, and the air is thick with the scents and sounds of life.

Plus, the air in the hills is not just fresh, but brimming with vitality. We can almost feel how the air seems alive with the energy of summer as this inspirational August quote shows.

Moreover, the hills, bathed in the golden light of August, symbolize a kind of life-giving force. They remind us that even in our darkest moments, the natural world around us has a unique way of revitalizing our spirits.

In essence, this short quote for August highlights how something as simple as the air on a golden August afternoon can be incredibly life-affirming. So, we should take a moment to breathe in the natural beauty around us.

Happy 1st August The first week of August is motionless and hot. It is curiously silent too with blank white dawns and glaring noons and sunsets smeared with too much color 1

Happy 1st August

The first week of August is motionless and hot. It is curiously silent, too, with blank white dawns and glaring noons and sunsets smeared with too much color.

Natalie Babbitt

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I'm a former writer with a bachelor's degree in English literature. I’ve always believed that words are a powerful medium for personal growth and transformation.

That’s why I founded Art of Poets on Instagram back in 2018 to share meaningful, motivational words with others. Today, it inspires a community of over 2.4 Million readers on Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and this website which I launched in March 2023.

While I choose to remain anonymous, my passion for sharing inspiring quotes and blog posts on personal growth will always be fueled by the belief that words can truly transform our lives.