37 Hello & Inspiring November Quotes for 2024 (November 1st Quotes)


The word “November” originates from the Latin word novem, meaning “nine,” as it was the ninth month in the ancient Roman calendar before January and February were added.

November is all about autumn’s golden days fading, and winter’s presence becoming evident. In addition to Thanksgiving and All Saints’ Day, November is a time for remembering, celebrating, and honoring traditions, family, and the changing of the seasons.

So in this blog post, I’ve shared 37 inspiring, happy, and hello November quotes along with some November 1st quotes to bring a little extra meaning to this soulful month.

These inspiring quotes about November will surely leave you feeling grateful, reflective, and ready to embrace the quiet beauty of this special month of the year. So, let’s read!

8 Hello November Quotes to Welcome November 2024

Goodbye October Hello November

Goodbye October
Hello November.

Hello November, a season of transformation, where the world gracefully dances from the vibrancy of fall to the stillness of winter.

Hello November Not everyone gets you but its Okay because when you Value your time attention and Energy

Hello November

Not everyone gets you, but it’s
Okay, because when you
Value your time, attention and
Energy, you attract
More people who see your
Beauty and worth. Own your
Enoughness, and the
Right ones will find you.


In November, we find beauty in endings and strength in the promise of new beginnings. Welcome, sweet month of reflection.


Brief Analysis

November is a period when we naturally experience endings. The leaves have fallen, the warmth of summer is long gone, and the year itself is going to end.

But endings carry a quiet wisdom. They remind us that everything has a season, and that change, though sometimes difficult, is part of life’s natural rhythm. 

Even as the year seems to be closing, November reminds us that with each ending comes a new opportunity. Beneath the surface, the earth is preparing for renewal.

In short, this hello November quote suggests that every ending has its own beauty and that new beginnings are always on the horizon. We should be ready to pause, reflect, and prepare for the future.

Also Read: 21 Funny November Quotes to Laugh Your Way Through Nov 2024

Fear not Novembers challenge bold— Weve books and friends And hearths that never can grow cold These make amends

Fear not November’s challenge bold—
We’ve books and friends,
And hearths that never can grow cold:
These make amends!

Alexander Louis Fraser

In November, we turn our faces toward the sun and allow gratitude to fill our hearts.

Welcome November The beauty of November is a reminder that life is a collection of moments to be cherished

Welcome November!

The beauty of November is a reminder that life is a collection of moments to be cherished.


November’s skies are gray, but its spirit is golden.


Brief Analysis

At first glance, it seems like November fades the vibrancy of summer and the brilliant colors of early fall. And we’re left with a landscape that can sometimes feel bleak. 

But the spirit of November is something else entirely. Even though the skies are gray, there’s a golden quality to this month that we can easily overlook. 

In a way, the gray skies of November make the golden moments stand out even more as this November saying suggests. When the world outside is quieter, we’re able to see the beauty in what’s left. 

So, while November may not dazzle us with the colors of other months, it gives us something even more valuable. That’s the true beauty of this quiet, introspective month. Its skies may be gray, but its heart is full of light.

7 Happy November Quotes

The world is tired the year is old the faded leaves are glad to die

The world is tired, the year is old, the faded leaves are glad to die.

Happy November!


Brief Analysis

The phrase “The world is tired,” shows how, after the energy of spring and summer, nature feels the weight of the year. It’s like the world has worked hard and now needs a quiet rest.

The year feels ‘old’ because it’s given us all it can, and now it’s ready to wind down. We’ve experienced growth in spring, fullness in summer, and now, things begin to prepare for rest.

The leaves begin to fall gently to the ground with a sense of purpose fulfilled. They are “glad to die,” because they know it’s part of the natural rhythm. 

So, as the year grows old, there’s a quiet beauty in the way everything seems to slow down and rest. And there’s happiness in that stillness as this happy November quote shows.

Welcome sweet November, the season of senses and my favorite month of all.

Gregory F. Lenz
Happy November A time when the earth whispers in soft hues urging us to reflect on the years quiet victories

Happy November!

A time when the earth whispers in soft hues, urging us to reflect on the year’s quiet victories


November’s winds sweep away what’s no longer needed, leaving space for deeper roots and stronger branches.

Happy November The crunch of November leaves beneath your feet is a reminder that every step forward is part of the journey

Happy November!
The crunch of November leaves beneath your feet is a reminder that every step forward is part of the journey.


Brief Analysis

November’s leaves, once vibrant and full of life, have now fallen. They’re no longer green, but they still serve a purpose.

Their crunch reminds us of the cycle of life—growth, change, and eventually, letting go. As we walk through a wooded path, those leaves beneath our shoes mark each step forward. 

Plus, the crunch of November reminds us that even in seasons of transition or rest, we are still moving. Every day, we’re learning, growing, evolving as this November quote 

So, as we walk through November—both literally and metaphorically—let’s remember that every crunch beneath our feet is a step forward. Every step we take is leading us somewhere new.

Also Read: 64 Happy & Inspirational Fall Quotes for Autumn 2024

November is a canvas painted in muted tones, yet it’s quiet elegance speaks volumes to those who listen.

November comes and November goes with the last red berries and the first white snows

November comes and November goes, with the last red berries and the first white snows.

Clyde Watson

8 November Inspirational Quotes

Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the daffodils.

Cyril Connolly

Brief Analysis

Daffodils bloom in the spring. They represent hope and freshness after a long winter. However, the fallen leaves we see in November can bring even more happiness than these lovely flowers.

They come in various shades of brown, orange, and red, and lie gently on the grass. They symbolize that life is just about new beginnings.

Plus, these fallen leaves teach us that endings can be beautiful, too as this inspirational November quote shows. They remind us that it’s okay to let go and embrace change.

To conclude, happiness isn’t just about the bright beginnings represented by daffodils, but also about finding joy in the quieter endings. Every part of life holds its own special kind of happiness.

The month of November makes me feel that life is passing more quickly. In an effort to slow it down

The month of November makes me feel that life is passing more quickly. In an effort to slow it down, I try to fill the hours more meaningfully.

Henry Rollins

If I can’t do great things, I can do small things in great ways.

Martin Luther King Jr
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

Mahatma Gandhi

November at its best—with a sort of delightful menace in the air.

Anne Bosworth Greene

Brief Analysis

November is often filled with rich colors as the last leaves fall from the trees. There’s a sense of calm that descends as nature prepares for winter.

When we think of menace, we might picture something threatening. But here, it’s paired with “delight,” suggesting that there’s something exhilarating about the approach of winter.

As we move deeper into November, we start to feel the excitement of what’s ahead. The holiday season is just around the corner, bringing with it traditions, and festivities as this November inspirational quote tells.

In the end, we can find joy even in the darkest days, and recognize that change brings new possibilities. So, let’s step into November with open hearts and be eady to enjoy whatever comes our way.

In November let every sunset remind you to be grateful for the day youve had no matter how it unfolded

In November, let every sunset remind you to be grateful for the day you’ve had, no matter how it unfolded.


Let November be the month where you harvest the wisdom you’ve sown throughout the year.

As the world changes around you in November remember that you have the strength and resilience to adapt thrive and shine

As the world changes around you in November, remember that you have the strength and resilience to adapt, thrive, and shine.


6 Beautiful & Cute November Quotes

Some of the days in November carry the whole memory of summer as a fire opal carries the color of moon rise.

Gladys Taber

Brief Analysis

We’ve all experienced those sunny November days when the warmth feels like summer again. We can hear the sound of waves, or smell blooming flowers as we recall about our summer adventures.

The comparison of November days to a fire opal suggests that these moments are precious and vibrant. Just like the opal, these days remind us of the warmth that summer brought into our lives.

Plus, this cute November quote invites us to appreciate the fleeting nature of these moments. Just as summer eventually gives way to winter, the vibrant days in November are reminders that beauty is often transient.

So, we should take time to recognize and appreciate the days that carry with them the essence of summer. Let’s hold onto those fire opal days and let their warmth linger in our hearts.

If November was a color it would be cozy. If it was a feeling it would be nap time

If November was a color, it would be cozy. If it was a feeling, it would be nap time.


November: Proof that procrastination is an art form. There’s still time to shine.

November is a symphony to my senses

November is a symphony to my senses.

Laura Chouette

November is the kindest month. It gives us the last vestiges of fall before the chill of winter.


Brief Analysis

In November, we experience the last bursts of autumn’s colors. These days give us the chance to appreciate nature’s beauty one last time before it’s hidden under the blanket of snow.

In many ways, November acts as a bridge.  The days are often milder than what we’ll soon experience in December and January. We can still take leisurely walks, or just savor the fresh air. 

Moreover, this month encourages us to pause, breathe deeply, and appreciate the small pleasures in life before the winter chill arrives. It allows us to honor our past while looking forward to the future.

To conclude, this cute November quote shows November as the kindest month for many reasons. It holds the last moments of fall’s warmth, offers us time for reflection, and reminds us to find joy in the simple things.

Also Read: 23 Funny October Quotes for 2024 (Hello, Birthday & Sober October Quotes)

The rich and golden blessings of November are the splendid hues of natures artistry

The rich and golden blessings of November are the splendid hues of nature’s artistry.

Charmaine J. Forde

4 November 1st Quotes

November 1st feels like a promise and a farewell, where the world stands in the balance of change.


Brief Analysis

As we step into November, the days get shorter and there’s a cool breeze that hints at winter coming soon. This change in the season can mean a fresh start and new possibilities.

On the flip side, November 1st feels like a farewell. As the leaves fall and the days grow colder, we say goodbye to the vibrant warmth of summer and the colorful splendor of autumn. 

Change is a constant in our lives, and November serves as a reminder that we are always in a state of flux. The beauty of this balance lies in our ability to navigate it with grace and intention.

In short, as we move through November, we should appreciate the beauty of this transition as this November 1st quote shows. Let’s cherish the memories we hold close, while also looking forward to the adventures that await us.

With November 1st comes a reminder even as the world cools our inner fires can burn brighter

With November 1st comes a reminder: even as the world cools, our inner fires can burn brighter.


The quiet grace of November 1st teaches us that even in transition, there is beauty.

November 1st arrives the calm after the storm of Halloweens revelry as the year begins its quiet descent

November 1st arrives, the calm after the storm of Halloween’s revelry, as the year begins its quiet descent.


4 Goodbye November Quotes (Last Day of November)

Goodbye November!
The melancholy of November lingers in the air, but with its departure comes the promise of December’s joy.


Brief Analysis

In the last days of November, the leaves have mostly fallen, leaving trees bare. It’s a time when nature itself seems to be winding down, preparing for a deep rest. 

However, with the farewell to November comes an important shift—the promise of December’s joy. As we say goodbye to one month, we eagerly anticipate what lies ahead.

Moreover, the juxtaposition of November’s melancholy and December’s joy mirrors our own human experience. We often navigate through difficult emotions, yet these experiences can lead us to moments of joy and celebration. 

So, this goodbye November quote suggests that as we bid farewell to November, let us hold on to the lessons it taught us. And as we step into December, let’s open our hearts to the joy and warmth that this month brings.

How beautiful leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days

How beautiful leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.

John Burroughs

Goodbye to the month where the world grew quieter. November, you’ve slowed us down to hear what truly matters.

November has been a friend to the introspective soul—goodbye to your peaceful days and thoughtful nights

November has been a friend to the introspective soul—goodbye to your peaceful days and thoughtful nights.

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I'm a former writer with a bachelor's degree in English literature. I’ve always believed that words are a powerful medium for personal growth and transformation.

That’s why I founded Art of Poets on Instagram back in 2018 to share meaningful, motivational words with others. Today, it inspires a community of over 2.4 Million readers on Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and this website which I launched in March 2023.

While I choose to remain anonymous, my passion for sharing inspiring quotes and blog posts on personal growth will always be fueled by the belief that words can truly transform our lives.