14 Inspiring Vinh Giang Quotes About Better Communication


Vinh Giang is an inspiring entrepreneur, magician, and keynote speaker. He has a talent for using illusions and storytelling to teach powerful lessons about communication, leadership, and personal development.

What’s unique about Vinh Giang‘s teachings is that he encourages audiences to recognize the magic within themselves and approach life with curiosity, confidence, and a fresh perspective.

His message is clear and relatable: with the right mindset and communication skills, anyone can create their own magic in life and work.

So in this blog post, I’ve shared 14 Vinh Giang quotes about better communication skills and inspirational quotes by Vinh Giang that can transform our lives.

8 Vinh Giang Quotes for Better Communication

Theres a world of meaning that extends beyond the words. Of course the words we use are very important but how we use our voice is equally as important

There’s a world of meaning that extends beyond the words. Of course, the words we use are very important, but how we use our voice is equally as important.

Vinh Giang

My ‘why’ is to teach people how to use their instrument so that we can create a more kind, a more loving, and a more compassionate world.

Vinh Giang
If youre not aware and you keep ending on a higher pitch then everyones going to question your authority. Make sure you end on a lower pitch

If you’re not aware, and you keep ending on a higher pitch, then everyone’s going to question your authority. Make sure you end on a lower pitch.

Vinh Giang

They’ve done extensive research that people who use their body language are perceived as better leaders. And we’re all leaders in some place in our lives.

Vinh Giang

Brief Analysis

We’ve all heard that actions speak louder than words, and in many ways, that’s true. The way we carry ourselves sends powerful signals to the people around us.

So, why does body language matter in leadership? Well, people tend to trust and follow those who appear confident and in control. And our body language plays a huge role in conveying that confidence. 

So, when we embrace our natural leadership roles, and consciously use positive body language, we step into our power. We influence and inspire those around us as this Vin Giang quote shows.

In the end, it’s about being authentic, aware, and intentional with how we present ourselves. Because, we’re all leaders in our own right, and the way we carry ourselves can make all the difference.

Also Read: 23 Best Myron Golden Quotes on Motivation, Money & Success

Youre already great at using your voice. You are. Trust me

You’re already great at using your voice. You are. Trust me.

Vinh Giang

You’re only as good as you can communicate. To me, this is where the potential lies…

Vinh Giang
Your accent is never a problem. Whats a problem is were using the wrong mouth movements in the wrong language…

Your accent is never a problem. What’s a problem is we’re using the wrong mouth movements in the wrong language…

Vinh Giang

Inspiration comes from melody. There’s an underlying world of meaning that lives under melody.

Vinh Giang

Brief Analysis

Each melody carries with it a story or an emotion that connects with us on a personal level. This is why a simple tune can move us to tears, lift our spirits, or bring back vivid memories from our past.

This hidden world is unique to each of us. These meanings can be deeply personal, touching on our own experiences. Or, they can connect us to something that we all share as human beings.

Moreover, inspiration isn’t always something we can grasp or explain logically. The power of melody lies in its ability to bypass our rational minds and speak directly to our souls, awakening feelings and ideas.

So, this quote by Vinh Giang suggests us to allow ourselves to be inspired by the world of meaning that lives beneath the melody. After all, it’s in those moments of connection that we often find our greatest inspiration.

6 Inspirational Vinh Giang Quotes

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

Vinh Giang

Brief Analysis

This inspirational Vinh Giang quote suggests that we aren’t passive recipients of whatever life throws our way. We have the power to mold our future, and that starts with the decisions we make today.

But how do we “decide” to be someone? It starts with self-awareness. We need to ask ourselves who we want to be, not just in a superficial sense, but at a deeper level. 

As we go through different experiences, our desires and values might change. That’s okay, and it’s natural. What’s crucial is that we remain engaged in the process of deciding, that we continue to reflect on our choices.

In essence, this Vinh Giang quote encourages us to take ownership of our lives. We realize that we’re not just passengers on the ride of life; we’re in the driver’s seat, steering toward the future we want to create.

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.
What have you been “lucky” with in your life?

Vinh Giang
I want to help the invisible become visible

I want to help the invisible become visible.

Vinh Giang

Don’t always seek shortcuts, take the longer path and always work towards mastery.

Vinh Giang
The biggest illusion you ever experience is when you tell yourself something cannot be done

The biggest illusion you ever experience is when you tell yourself something cannot be done.

Vinh Giang

Brief Analysis

The moment we say something cannot be done, we start to believe it. It’s like putting on a pair of glasses that only show us limitations and obstacles.

Telling ourselves that something cannot be done is a way to protect ourselves from disappointment. It’s a defense mechanism. However, this protection comes at a great cost as this inspirational Vinh Giang quote explains.

But when we shift our mindset in this way, we open up a world of possibilities. We start to see obstacles as challenges to overcome, rather than barriers that block our path. We become resourceful and creative.

In short, the people who change the world are the ones who refuse to accept limitations, who see beyond the illusion of “can’t”. And we can be those people too. We can choose to break through the illusion.

Be kind to yourself and just get back in alignment again without being a dick to yourself

Be kind to yourself and just get back in alignment again without being a d*ck to yourself.

Vinh Giang
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I'm a former writer with a bachelor's degree in English literature. I’ve always believed that words are a powerful medium for personal growth and transformation.

That’s why I founded Art of Poets on Instagram back in 2018 to share meaningful, motivational words with others. Today, it inspires a community of over 2.4 Million readers on Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and this website which I launched in March 2023.

While I choose to remain anonymous, my passion for sharing inspiring quotes and blog posts on personal growth will always be fueled by the belief that words can truly transform our lives.